unit synedittextdoublewidthchars2;
// fix up chinese symbel width
//by steven {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses
Classes, SysUtils; type TInterval=record
end; function mk_wcswidth(wcs:unicodestring ):integer;
function mk_wcwidth(ucs:longword):integer; implementation const combining:array[0..122] of Tinterval=
((first: $0300;last:$0357 ),
(first: $035D;last:$036F ),
(first: $0483;last:$0486 ),
(first: $0488;last:$0489 ),
(first: $0591;last:$05A1 ),
(first: $05A3;last:$05B9 ),
(first: $05BB;last:$05BD ),
(first: $05BF;last:$05BF ),
(first: $05C1;last:$05C2 ),
(first: $05C4;last:$05C4 ),
(first: $0600;last:$0603 ),
(first: $0610;last:$0615 ),
(first: $064B;last:$0658 ),
(first: $0670;last:$0670 ),
(first: $06D6;last:$06E4 ),
(first: $06E7;last:$06E8 ),
(first: $06EA;last:$06ED ),
(first: $070F;last:$070F ),
(first: $0711;last:$0711 ),
(first: $0730;last:$074A ),
(first: $07A6;last:$07B0 ),
(first: $0901;last:$0902 ),
(first: $093C;last:$093C ),
(first: $0941;last:$0948 ),
(first: $094D;last:$094D ),
(first: $0951;last:$0954 ),
(first: $0962;last:$0963 ),
(first: $0981;last:$0981 ),
(first: $09BC;last:$09BC ),
(first: $09C1;last:$09C4 ),
(first: $09CD;last:$09CD ),
(first: $09E2;last:$09E3 ),
(first: $0A01;last:$0A02 ),
(first: $0A3C;last:$0A3C ),
(first: $0A41;last:$0A42 ),
(first: $0A47;last:$0A48 ),
(first: $0A4B;last:$0A4D ),
(first: $0A70;last:$0A71 ),
(first: $0A81;last:$0A82 ),
(first: $0ABC;last:$0ABC ),
(first: $0AC1;last:$0AC5 ),
(first: $0AC7;last:$0AC8 ),
(first: $0ACD;last:$0ACD ),
(first: $0AE2;last:$0AE3 ),
(first: $0B01;last:$0B01 ),
(first: $0B3C;last:$0B3C ),
(first: $0B3F;last:$0B3F ),
(first: $0B41;last:$0B43 ),
(first: $0B4D;last:$0B4D ),
(first: $0B56;last:$0B56 ),
(first: $0B82;last:$0B82 ),
(first: $0BC0;last:$0BC0 ),
(first: $0BCD;last:$0BCD ),
(first: $0C3E;last:$0C40 ),
(first: $0C46;last:$0C48 ),
(first: $0C4A;last:$0C4D ),
(first: $0C55;last:$0C56 ),
(first: $0CBC;last:$0CBC ),
(first: $0CBF;last:$0CBF ),
(first: $0CC6;last:$0CC6 ),
(first: $0CCC;last:$0CCD ),
(first: $0D41;last:$0D43 ),
(first: $0D4D;last:$0D4D ),
(first: $0DCA;last:$0DCA ),
(first: $0DD2;last:$0DD4 ),
(first: $0DD6;last:$0DD6 ),
(first: $0E31;last:$0E31 ),
(first: $0E34;last:$0E3A ),
(first: $0E47;last:$0E4E ),
(first: $0EB1;last:$0EB1 ),
(first: $0EB4;last:$0EB9 ),
(first: $0EBB;last:$0EBC ),
(first: $0EC8;last:$0ECD ),
(first: $0F18;last:$0F19 ),
(first: $0F35;last:$0F35 ),
(first: $0F37;last:$0F37 ),
(first: $0F39;last:$0F39 ),
(first: $0F71;last:$0F7E ),
(first: $0F80;last:$0F84 ),
(first: $0F86;last:$0F87 ),
(first: $0F90;last:$0F97 ),
(first: $0F99;last:$0FBC ),
(first: $0FC6;last:$0FC6 ),
(first: $102D;last:$1030 ),
(first: $1032;last:$1032 ),
(first: $1036;last:$1037 ),
(first: $1039;last:$1039 ),
(first: $1058;last:$1059 ),
(first: $1160;last:$11FF ),
(first: $1712;last:$1714 ),
(first: $1732;last:$1734 ),
(first: $1752;last:$1753 ),
(first: $1772;last:$1773 ),
(first: $17B4;last:$17B5 ),
(first: $17B7;last:$17BD ),
(first: $17C6;last:$17C6 ),
(first: $17C9;last:$17D3 ),
(first: $17DD;last:$17DD ),
(first: $180B;last:$180D ),
(first: $18A9;last:$18A9 ),
(first: $1920;last:$1922 ),
(first: $1927;last:$1928 ),
(first: $1932;last:$1932 ),
(first: $1939;last:$193B ),
(first: $200B;last:$200F ),
(first: $202A;last:$202E ),
(first: $2060;last:$2063 ),
(first: $206A;last:$206F ),
(first: $20D0;last:$20EA ),
(first: $302A;last:$302F ),
(first: $3099;last:$309A ),
(first: $FB1E;last:$FB1E ),
(first: $FE00;last:$FE0F ),
(first: $FE20;last:$FE23 ),
(first: $FEFF;last:$FEFF ),
(first: $FFF9;last:$FFFB ),
(first: $1D167;last:$1D169 ),
(first: $1D173;last:$1D182 ),
(first: $1D185;last:$1D18B ),
(first: $1D1AA;last:$1D1AD ),
(first: $E0001;last:$E0001 ),
(first: $E0020;last:$E007F ),
(first: $E0100;last:$E01EF )); function bisearch(ucs:word; table: array of TInterval ;max:integer):boolean;
var min,mid:word;
min := 0;
if(ucs < table[0].first) and (ucs > table[max].last) then
result :=false;
end; while max >= min do
mid := (min + max ) div 2;
if (ucs > table[mid].last ) then
min := mid + 1
else if (ucs < table[mid].first) then
max := mid -1
result := true;
end; result := false;
end; function mk_wcwidth(ucs:longword):integer;
//var ucs:longword;
//ucs := ord(aucs);
if ucs=0 then
result := 0;
end; if ucs in [32,$7f..$a0] then
result := -1;
end; if (ucs = $2220)or
(ucs = $2312)or
(ucs = $2299)or
(ucs = $224c)or
(ucs = $223d)or
(ucs = $221a)or
(ucs = $e022)or
(ucs = $203b)or
(ucs = $2116)or
(ucs = $ffE0)or
(ucs = $2103)or
(ucs = $2235)or
(ucs = $2234)or
(ucs = $22A5)or
(ucs = $2225)or
(ucs = $222E)or
(ucs = $221D)or
(ucs = $221E)or
(ucs = $2227)or
(ucs = $2228)or
(ucs = $2211)or
(ucs = $220F)or
(ucs = $222A)or
(ucs = $2229)or
(ucs = $2208)or
(ucs = $226E)or
(ucs = $226F)or
(ucs = $216A)or
(ucs = $216B)or
(ucs = $2160)or
(ucs = $2161)or
(ucs = $2162)or
(ucs = $2163)or
(ucs = $2164)or
(ucs = $2165)or
(ucs = $2166)or
(ucs = $2167)or
(ucs = $2168)or
(ucs = $2169)or
(ucs = $2236)or ////------
(ucs = $2016)
result := 2;
end; if bisearch(ucs,combining,length(combining) - 1) then
result := 0;
end; result := 1 ; // Hangul Jamo init. consonants */
// CJK ... Yi */
// Hangul Syllables */
// CJK Compatibility Ideographs */
// CJK Compatibility Forms */
// Fullwidth Forms */
//BUG, duplicate
if(ucs <> $303f)
(ucs = $232a) or
(ucs = $2e80) or
//****************patched by steven
//unicode , high byte , low byte //----------------------end patch
(ucs > $1100) and (ucs <$115f) or
(ucs > $2329) and (ucs <$a4cf)or
(ucs > $ac00) and (ucs <$d7a3)or
(ucs > $f900) and (ucs <$faff)or
(ucs > $fe30) and (ucs <$fe6f)or
(ucs > $ff00) and (ucs <$ff60)or
(ucs >$ffe0) and (ucs <$ffe6) or
(ucs > $20000) and (ucs <$2fffd)or
(ucs > $30000) and (ucs <$3fffd))then
end; function mk_wcswidth(wcs:unicodestring ):integer;
var w,l,width:integer;
width := 0;
l :=length(wcs);
while (i<=l) do
w := mk_wcwidth(ord(wcs[i]));
if w < 0 then
result := -1;
width := width + w;
result := width; end; end.
{------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the GPL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} (* visit the following URL for more information *) unit SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars; {$I} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LazSynEditText ,synedittextdoublewidthchars2; type { SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars } SynEditStringDoubleWidthChars = class(TSynEditStringsLinked) protected procedure DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line: PChar; LineLen, Index: Integer; PWidths: PPhysicalCharWidth); override; end; implementation { SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars } procedure SynEditStringDoubleWidthChars.DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line: PChar; LineLen, Index: Integer; PWidths: PPhysicalCharWidth); var i: Integer; str:ansistring; begin inherited DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line, LineLen, Index, PWidths); if not IsUtf8 then exit; dec(Line); dec(PWidths); for i := 0 to LineLen - 1 do begin inc(Line); inc(PWidths); if Line^ < #$e1 then continue; if PWidths^ = 0 then continue; //读3个字节,转换成unicode //获得绘制宽度 str := ''; str := str + line^ + line[1] + line[2]; //DebugLn(str); // ..writeln(utf8decode(str)); pWidths^ := mk_wcwidth(longword(ord(utf8decode(str)[1]))) ; {* case Line^ of #$e1: case Line[1] of #$84: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$85: if (Line[2] <= #$9f) then PWidths^ := 2; end; #$e2: case Line[1] of #$8c: if (Line[2] = #$a9) or (Line[2] = #$aa) then PWidths^ := 2; #$ba: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$bb..#$ff: PWidths^ := 2; end; #$e3: case Line[1] of #$81: if (Line[2] >= #$81) then PWidths^ := 2; #$82..#$8e: PWidths^ := 2; #$8f: if (Line[2] <= #$bf) then PWidths^ := 2; #$90: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$91..#$FF: PWidths^ := 2; end; #$e4: case Line[1] of #$00..#$b5: PWidths^ := 2; #$b6: if (Line[2] <= #$b5) then PWidths^ := 2; #$b8: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$b9..#$ff: PWidths^ := 2; end; #$e5..#$e8: PWidths^ := 2; #$e9: if (Line[1] <= #$bf) or (Line[2] <= #$83) then PWidths^ := 2; #$ea: case Line[1] of #$80, #$b0: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$81..#$92, #$b1..#$ff: PWidths^ := 2; #$93: if (Line[2] <= #$86) then PWidths^ := 2; end; #$eb..#$ec: PWidths^ := 2; #$ed: if (Line[1] <= #$9e) or (Line[2] <= #$a3) then PWidths^ := 2; #$ef: case Line[1] of #$a4: if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$a5..#$aa: PWidths^ := 2; #$ab: if (Line[2] <= #$99) then PWidths^ := 2; #$b8: if (Line[2] in [#$90..#$99,#$b0..#$ff]) then PWidths^ := 2; #$b9: if (Line[2] <= #$ab) then PWidths^ := 2; #$bc: if (Line[2] >= #$81) then PWidths^ := 2; #$bd: if (Line[2] <= #$a0) then PWidths^ := 2; #$bf: if (Line[2] >= #$a0) and (Line[2] <= #$a6) then PWidths^ := 2; end; #$f0: case Line[1] of #$a0, #$b0: case Line[2] of #$80: if (Line[3] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2; #$81..#$ff: PWidths^ := 2; end; #$a1..#$ae, #$b1..#$be: PWidths^ := 2; #$af, #$bf: case Line[2] of #$00..#$be: PWidths^ := 2; #$bf: if (Line[3] <= #$bd) then PWidths^ := 2; end; end end; *} end end; (* Ranges that are FullWidth char 1100 e1 84 80 .. 115F e1 85 9f 2329 e2 8c a9 .. 232A e2 8c aa 2E80 e2 ba 80 .. 303E e3 80 be 3041 e3 81 81 .. 33FF e3 8f bf 3400 e3 90 80 .. 4DB5 e4 b6 b5 4E00 e4 b8 80 .. 9FC3 e9 bf 83 A000 ea 80 80 .. A4C6 ea 93 86 AC00 ea b0 80 .. D7A3 ed 9e a3 F900 ef a4 80 .. FAD9 ef ab 99 FE10 ef b8 90 .. FE19 ef b8 99 FE30 ef b8 b0 .. FE6B ef b9 ab FF01 ef bc 81 .. FF60 ef bd a0 FFE0 ef bf a0 .. FFE6 ef bf a6 20000 f0 a0 80 80 .. 2FFFD f0 af bf bd 30000 f0 b0 80 80 .. 3FFFD f0 bf bf bd *) end.
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file
under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
of this file under either the MPL or the GPL.
visit the following URL for more information
unit SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars;
Classes, SysUtils, LazSynEditText ,synedittextdoublewidthchars2;
{ SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars }
SynEditStringDoubleWidthChars = class(TSynEditStringsLinked)
procedure DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line: PChar; LineLen, Index: Integer; PWidths: PPhysicalCharWidth); override;
{ SynEditTextDoubleWidthChars }
procedure SynEditStringDoubleWidthChars.DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line: PChar;
LineLen, Index: Integer; PWidths: PPhysicalCharWidth);
i: Integer; str:ansistring;
inherited DoGetPhysicalCharWidths(Line, LineLen, Index, PWidths);
if not IsUtf8 then
for i := 0 to LineLen - 1 do begin
if Line^ < #$e1 then continue;
if PWidths^ = 0 then continue;
str := '';
str := str + line^ + line[1] + line[2];
// ..writeln(utf8decode(str));
pWidths^ := mk_wcwidth(longword(ord(utf8decode(str)[1]))) ;
case Line^ of
case Line[1] of
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$9f) then PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
if (Line[2] = #$a9) or (Line[2] = #$aa) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
if (Line[2] >= #$81) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$bf) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$b5) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[1] <= #$bf) or (Line[2] <= #$83) then PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
#$80, #$b0:
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
#$81..#$92, #$b1..#$ff:
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$86) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[1] <= #$9e) or (Line[2] <= #$a3) then PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
if (Line[2] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$99) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] in [#$90..#$99,#$b0..#$ff]) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$ab) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] >= #$81) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] <= #$a0) then PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[2] >= #$a0) and (Line[2] <= #$a6) then PWidths^ := 2;
case Line[1] of
#$a0, #$b0:
case Line[2] of
if (Line[3] >= #$80) then PWidths^ := 2;
PWidths^ := 2;
#$a1..#$ae, #$b1..#$be:
PWidths^ := 2;
#$af, #$bf:
case Line[2] of
PWidths^ := 2;
if (Line[3] <= #$bd) then PWidths^ := 2;
(* Ranges that are FullWidth char
1100 e1 84 80 .. 115F e1 85 9f
2329 e2 8c a9 .. 232A e2 8c aa
2E80 e2 ba 80 .. 303E e3 80 be
3041 e3 81 81 .. 33FF e3 8f bf
3400 e3 90 80 .. 4DB5 e4 b6 b5
4E00 e4 b8 80 .. 9FC3 e9 bf 83
A000 ea 80 80 .. A4C6 ea 93 86
AC00 ea b0 80 .. D7A3 ed 9e a3
F900 ef a4 80 .. FAD9 ef ab 99
FE10 ef b8 90 .. FE19 ef b8 99
FE30 ef b8 b0 .. FE6B ef b9 ab
FF01 ef bc 81 .. FF60 ef bd a0
FFE0 ef bf a0 .. FFE6 ef bf a6
20000 f0 a0 80 80 .. 2FFFD f0 af bf bd
30000 f0 b0 80 80 .. 3FFFD f0 bf bf bd
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