


void construct(struct TreeLinkNode *root, struct TreeLinkNode *r_brother)
if(root == NULL) return;
root->next = r_brother;
construct(root->right,r_brother == NULL ? NULL : r_brother->left);
construct(root->left, root->right);
void connect(struct TreeLinkNode *root) {


比如下图中的 7 节点,因为5没有儿子,按照之前的逻辑,7也没有右兄弟。



void construct(struct TreeLinkNode *root, struct TreeLinkNode * r_brother)
if(root == NULL) return; root->next = r_brother; struct TreeLinkNode * new_r_brother = NULL; while(r_brother != NULL)
new_r_brother = r_brother->left == NULL ? r_brother->right : r_brother->left;
if(new_r_brother) break; r_brother = r_brother->next;
} if(root->right)
construct (root->right, new_r_brother);
new_r_brother = root->right;
construct(root->left, new_r_brother);
void connect(struct TreeLinkNode *root) {

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