Open JTAG Project
Open JTAG Project is an open source hardware and software for a high speed USB JTAG tool.
In this site, you can find and download all necesary files to make your JTAG device.
The electric schematics, the PCB design including Gerber files, the VHDL project in Altera Quartus II format,
and the C++ examples in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, are free to be downloaded.
If you like to collaborate, please click on our Open JTAG project page.
We encourage JTAG lovers to collaborate with this project:
We need:
- Patch the OpenOCD to support Open JTAG commands.
- Optimize the VHDL code (I am not the best VHDL programmer, of course!)
- Test hardware and software
The full project could be emulated in the Altera MAX II Development Kit. Click here to viiew Altera page
The hardware project is mainly composed of:
- 1 two-layer PCB
- 1 FTDIChip FT245BL USB to Parallel converter
- 1 Altera EPM570T100 TQFP100 CPLD
- 1 generic 93C46 serial EEPROM
- 1 IQD SPXO018043 48 MHZ oscillator
- 1 generic HC49 6MHZ quartz
- 1 ST Microelectronics LK112M33TR 3.3V LDO regulator
- 2 Texas TXS0104 bidirectional level converter
The circuitry is simple and easy to understand. The FT245 is the USB front end, c
onverting USB serial data to parallel bus to interface with the EPM570 CPLD.
The CPLD latch the parallel data and execute macro-instruction commands,
driving the main five JTAG signals: TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO and TRST.
Inside the CPLD there is a synthesized clock divisor to work with slow target devices.
The higher TCK frequency is 24 MHZ (main clock / 2) and the lower frequency is 187.5 KHZ.
The board have 8 input/output pins (J4 connector) to be used as general purpose I/O.
The PCB size is 57.2mm x 43.3mm (2.26" x 1.7") and fits inside the Altera USB Blaster plastic box,
and it is pin-to-pin compatible. The same JTAG flat cable can be used.
There is another projetc from Kolja Waschk ( to create an Altera USB Blaster compatible JTAG.
The Kolja project could be implemented in our hardware.
We have tested the project using Quartus II 9.0 and seems to work fine.
Please click here to download the Quartus II Kolja project, ready to be used in our hardware.
The latest files:
Please read the License Document before download files.
- Quartus II VHDL Project 1.4
- Visual Studio 6 test program 1.1
- OpenOCD files 1.0 (old version)
- New OpenOCD files from Ryan Corbin (recommended)
- Protocol Manual 1.1
- Schematic diagram 1.1 (updated, thanks to Michael Kuhn)
- Schematic diagram 1.1 (older version, not recommended)
- Hardware User Manual 1.0
- Gerber Files
- Bill of Materials
- PCB Component mask
- PCB Top view
- PCB Bottom view
USB-Blaster compatibility:
To get USB-Blaster compatibility with our hardware, download and program the CPLD with the Kolja Waschk VHDL project.
This option make OpenJTAG full USB-Blaster compatible. Was tested using an EPM1270 CPLD as target and, of course, with the EPM570 CPLD, both from Altera Corporation. Please note that the OpenJTAG project and the Kolja Waschk project areDIFFERENT.
Remember to change the EEPROM USB VID/PID, product description and manufacturer name using the FTProg utility from FTDI site at (
Older files (for reference only)
Click the links to download Open JTAG project files.
Please read the License Document before download files.
Software version 1.1 (the current version).
Hardware board version 1.1 (the current board).
- Add R22 (10K) to oscillator enable pin as pull-up
- Change 2 MAX3378E by 2 Texas TXB0104 to improve speed
- Change LED power from +5V to +VCCIO
- Schematic diagram
- Hardware User Manual (no changes, download the previous version)
- Gerber files
- PCB Component mask
- PCB Top view
- PCB bottom view
- Bill of Materials
Hardware board version 1.0:
VHDL version 1.0:
Software version 1.0:
- Protocol Manual
- Visual Studio 2005 C++ project example files
什么是Open JTAG。Open JTAG是一个开源项目,
作为Open JTAG的官方网站,
上详述了Open JATG可以实现的硬件解决方式。
然而,他们的重点确实放在详述花费 $200 的高速JATG解决方案上,
当然,Open JTAG的硬件成本就不可能做到比Jlink的价格还低了。
不过令人振奋的是,Open JTAG以他特殊的开源优势,特别适合嵌入式开发者的使用,
特别是在Lunix下的使用... ... 我是做硬件的...具体的优势有待查明再讨论。
target_type_t *target_types[] =
... ...
所以也就是说,凡是以上列出的,Open JTAG都可用。
而且随着Open OCD的功能晚上,支持的芯片还会越来越多。
可以配饰Open JTAG使用的开源软件还有 Eclipse 等,非专业人士,就不做介绍啦。
① 类似sjf2410/sjf2440的oflash工具,支持s3c2410,s3c2440,s3c6410的直接烧写
② 直接使用openocd的命令行烧写
③ 从JTAG口下载u-boot到内存中,使用u-boot来烧写
① 使用openocd的命令直接调试
② 使用gdb命令行调试
③ 使用Eclipse图形化工具调试
① 支持IAR
② 支持Eclipse
③ 可以调试ADS编译出来的axf文件
可以用来调试ARM7, ARM9, Cortex-M3, XSCALE系列CPU的裸板程序、u-boot、内核。
IEEE 1149.1标准
Multi-ICE 10-pin插座
Multi-ICE 20-pin插座
支持的多种CPU系列:ARM7, ARM9, Cortex-M3/M8/A8, XSCALE
·在线烧写多种NOR Flash和NAND Flash
·驱动程序:支持Linux 2.4或更高版本, Windows ME, 2000, Server 2003, XP, win 7
J-Link、J-Trace、Open JTAG都是用来调试程序的(当然还有其他工具可以进行调试,比如ICE),
Open JTAG(是一个开源项目,
就是其中的一咱吧, 那么我们如何完成RDI-->arm调试协议(JTAG)的转换呢? 如是乎就有两种做法:
(1) 在电脑上写一个服务程序,把keil,ads,iar中的RDI命令解析成相关的JTAG协议,然后通后一个物理转换接口(
注意,这个转换只是电气物理层 上的转换,就像RS232那样的作用)发送你的的目标板。
h-jtag就是这样的。 h-jtag的硬件就仅是一个物理电平的转换接口,所以很简单。
J-Link与Open JTAG区别
而这之间的转换通过J-Link或者Open JTAG转换。
另J-Link一般是独立的组件,而Open JTAG一般集成到板子上。
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