3.5 Network bottlenecks
A performance problem in the network subsystem can be the cause of many problems, such
as a kernel panic. To analyze these anomalies to detect network bottlenecks, each Linux
distribution includes traffic analyzers.

3.5.1 Finding network bottlenecks
We recommend KDE System Guard because of its graphical interface and ease of use. The
tool, which is available on the distribution CDs, is discussed in detail in 2.3.17, “KDE System
Guard” on page 62. Figure 3-2 on page 88 shows it in action.
可以使用KDE System Guard进行图形化分析 ;

图3-2 KDE system Guard 网络监测

It is important to remember that there are many possible reasons for these performance
problems and that sometimes problems occur simultaneously, making it even more difficult to
pinpoint the origin. The indicators in Table 3-3 can help you determine the problem with your

Table 3-3

3.5.2 Performance tuning options

These steps illustrate what you should do to solve problems related to network bottlenecks:

. Ensure that the network card configuration matches router and switch configurations (for example, frame size).

. Modify how your subnets are organized.

. Use faster network cards.

. Tune the appropriate IPV4 TCP kernel parameters. (See Chapter 4, “Tuning the operating
system” on page 91.) Some security-related parameters can also improve performance,
as described in that chapter.

. If possible, change network cards and recheck performance.

. Add network cards and bind them together to form an adapter team, if possible.

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