解决Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary的问题 CodeIgniter .htaccess
- RewriteEngine on
- RewriteBase /
- RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|css|js);
- RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /sis/index.php/$1 [L]
- 12220:tid 1848] [client ::1:50815] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3590): [client ::1:50815] AH00121: r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/sis/index.php/news/create
- [Thu Sep 10 14:24:14.491172 2015] [core:debug] [pid 12220:tid 1848] core.c(3596): [client ::1:50815] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /sis/index.php/news/create
- Loop Stopping Code ^
- Sometimes your rewrites cause infinite loops, stop it with one of these rewrite code snippets.
- RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(stats/|missing\.html|failed_auth\.html|error/).* [NC]
- RewriteRule .* - [L]
- RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200
- RewriteRule .* - [L]
- RewriteEngine on
- RewriteBase /
- RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200
- RewriteRule .* - [L]
- RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|css|js);
- RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /sis/index.php/$1 [L]
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