在11gR2 rac环境中,文件系统使用率紧张。而且lsof显示有非常多oraagent_oracle.l10 (deleted)


High Space Usage and "lsof" Output Shows Many 'oraagent_oracle.l10 (deleted)' in GI environment (Doc ID 1598252.1)


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2 to 12.1]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


使用df命令能够看到,GI home的文件系统使用率相当高,可是du命令却看不到有文件正在使用所有的空间。

在这个样例中,df 显示已经使用95%(约89GB),可是du却显示仅仅有34GB

lsof 命令显示有非常多oraagent_oracle.l10 文件被标记为deleted(--->注意:使用lsof | grep deleted  就能够定位被deleted掉的文件)。由于handle 一直在持有这些被deleted掉的文件,因此os不能回收这部分空间。

oracle 121508 oracle 5w REG 253,3 10564931 6178664 /u01/app/ (deleted)
oracle 121510 oracle 5w REG 253,3 10564931 6178664 /u01/app/ (deleted)


This is due to bug 17305100

While database was started by oraagent, the database processes inherit open file handles from the oraagent, but when the oraagent_oracle.l10 was deleted as expected with the normal GI log file rotation policy, those handles are not closed by the database

Duplicates: bug 14062031 bug 17034444


The bug fix is included in GI PSU9, GI PSU1. For 12c, at the time of this writing, the issue is still being worked via bug 17387523

The workaround is to restart database or GI

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