Creating Markdown files from a template is a straightforward process with Node.js and Mustache. You can define a template, load it into your script, then push whatever data you have into your template, then write the files back out. Node.js built-in filesystem tools allow you to read and write the files while Mustache helps you to push the data into the template.


npm i --save mustache


let fs = require("fs")
let { render } = require("mustache")
let template = fs.readFileSync("./").toString()

people.forEach(person => {
let output = render(template, person)
fs.writeFileSync(`./people/${}.md`, output)
let fs = require("fs")
let { render } = require("mustache") let people = [
name: "Luke Skywalker",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "blond",
skin_color: "fair",
eye_color: "blue",
birth_year: "19BBY",
gender: "male",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [
starships: [
created: "2014-12-09T13:50:51.644000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:56.891000Z",
url: ""
name: "C-3PO",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "n/a",
skin_color: "gold",
eye_color: "yellow",
birth_year: "112BBY",
gender: "n/a",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:10:51.357000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.309000Z",
url: ""
name: "R2-D2",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "n/a",
skin_color: "white, blue",
eye_color: "red",
birth_year: "33BBY",
gender: "n/a",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:11:50.376000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.311000Z",
url: ""
name: "Darth Vader",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "none",
skin_color: "white",
eye_color: "yellow",
birth_year: "41.9BBY",
gender: "male",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [""],
created: "2014-12-10T15:18:20.704000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.313000Z",
url: ""
name: "Leia Organa",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "brown",
skin_color: "light",
eye_color: "brown",
birth_year: "19BBY",
gender: "female",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [""],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:20:09.791000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.315000Z",
url: ""
name: "Owen Lars",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "brown, grey",
skin_color: "light",
eye_color: "blue",
birth_year: "52BBY",
gender: "male",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:52:14.024000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.317000Z",
url: ""
name: "Beru Whitesun lars",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "brown",
skin_color: "light",
eye_color: "blue",
birth_year: "47BBY",
gender: "female",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:53:41.121000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.319000Z",
url: ""
name: "R5-D4",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "n/a",
skin_color: "white, red",
eye_color: "red",
birth_year: "unknown",
gender: "n/a",
homeworld: "",
films: [""],
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [],
created: "2014-12-10T15:57:50.959000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.321000Z",
url: ""
name: "Biggs Darklighter",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "black",
skin_color: "light",
eye_color: "brown",
birth_year: "24BBY",
gender: "male",
homeworld: "",
films: [""],
species: [""],
vehicles: [],
starships: [""],
created: "2014-12-10T15:59:50.509000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.323000Z",
url: ""
name: "Obi-Wan Kenobi",
height: "",
mass: "",
hair_color: "auburn, white",
skin_color: "fair",
eye_color: "blue-gray",
birth_year: "57BBY",
gender: "male",
homeworld: "",
films: [
species: [""],
vehicles: [""],
starships: [
created: "2014-12-10T16:16:29.192000Z",
edited: "2014-12-20T21:17:50.325000Z",
url: ""
] let template = fs.readFileSync("./").toString() people.forEach(person => {
let output = render(template, person)
fs.writeFileSync(`./people/${}.md`, output)


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