set search_path=tds; -- 给销售订单事实表增加登记日期代理键 alter table sales_order_fact add column entry_date_sk int default null; comment on column sales_order_fact.entry_date_sk is '登记日期代理键'; -- 建立登记日期维度视图 create view v_entry_date_dim (entry_date_sk, entry_date, month_name, month, quarter, year) as select date_sk, date, month_name, month, quarter, year from date_dim;
create or replace function fn_regular_load () returns void as $$ declare -- 设置scd的生效时间 v_cur_date date := current_date; v_pre_date date := current_date - 1; v_last_load date; begin -- 分析外部表 analyze ext.customer; analyze ext.product; analyze ext.sales_order; -- 将外部表数据装载到原始数据表 truncate table rds.customer; truncate table rds.product; insert into rds.customer select * from ext.customer; insert into rds.product select * from ext.product; insert into rds.sales_order select order_number, customer_number, product_code, status_date, entry_date, order_amount, quantity, request_delivery_date, verification_ind, credit_check_flag, new_customer_ind, web_order_flag, order_status from ext.sales_order; -- 分析rds模式的表 analyze rds.customer; analyze rds.product; analyze rds.sales_order; -- 设置cdc的上限时间 select last_load into v_last_load from rds.cdc_time; truncate table rds.cdc_time; insert into rds.cdc_time select v_last_load, v_cur_date; -- 装载客户维度 insert into tds.customer_dim (customer_number, customer_name, customer_street_address, shipping_address, isdelete, version, effective_date) select case flag when 'D' then a_customer_number else b_customer_number end customer_number, case flag when 'D' then a_customer_name else b_customer_name end customer_name, case flag when 'D' then a_customer_street_address else b_customer_street_address end customer_street_address, case flag when 'D' then a_shipping_address else b_shipping_address end shipping_address, case flag when 'D' then true else false end isdelete, case flag when 'D' then a_version when 'I' then 1 else a_version + 1 end v, v_pre_date from (select a.customer_number a_customer_number, a.customer_name a_customer_name, a.customer_street_address a_customer_street_address, a.shipping_address a_shipping_address, a.version a_version, b.customer_number b_customer_number, b.customer_name b_customer_name, b.customer_street_address b_customer_street_address, b.shipping_address b_shipping_address, case when a.customer_number is null then 'I' when b.customer_number is null then 'D' else 'U' end flag from v_customer_dim_latest a full join rds.customer b on a.customer_number = b.customer_number where a.customer_number is null -- 新增 or b.customer_number is null -- 删除 or (a.customer_number = b.customer_number and not (coalesce(a.customer_name,'') = coalesce(b.customer_name,'') and coalesce(a.customer_street_address,'') = coalesce(b.customer_street_address,'') and coalesce(a.shipping_address,'') = coalesce(b.shipping_address,'') ))) t order by coalesce(a_customer_number, 999999999999), b_customer_number limit 999999999999; -- 装载产品维度 insert into tds.product_dim (product_code, product_name, product_category, isdelete, version, effective_date) select case flag when 'D' then a_product_code else b_product_code end product_code, case flag when 'D' then a_product_name else b_product_name end product_name, case flag when 'D' then a_product_category else b_product_category end product_category, case flag when 'D' then true else false end isdelete, case flag when 'D' then a_version when 'I' then 1 else a_version + 1 end v, v_pre_date from (select a.product_code a_product_code, a.product_name a_product_name, a.product_category a_product_category, a.version a_version, b.product_code b_product_code, b.product_name b_product_name, b.product_category b_product_category, case when a.product_code is null then 'I' when b.product_code is null then 'D' else 'U' end flag from v_product_dim_latest a full join rds.product b on a.product_code = b.product_code where a.product_code is null -- 新增 or b.product_code is null -- 删除 or (a.product_code = b.product_code and not (a.product_name = b.product_name and a.product_category = b.product_category))) t order by coalesce(a_product_code, 999999999999), b_product_code limit 999999999999; -- 装载新增产品数量无事实事实表 insert into tds.product_count_fact select a.product_sk, b.date_sk from tds.product_dim a, tds.date_dim b where a.version = 1 and a.effective_date = v_pre_date and a.effective_date = b.date; -- 装载销售订单事实表 insert into sales_order_fact select a.order_number, customer_sk, product_sk, e.date_sk, e.year * 100 + e.month, order_amount, quantity, f.date_sk, g.sales_order_attribute_sk, h.customer_zip_code_sk, i.shipping_zip_code_sk, a.order_status, l.entry_date_sk from rds.sales_order a, v_customer_dim_his c, v_product_dim_his d, date_dim e, date_dim f, sales_order_attribute_dim g, v_customer_zip_code_dim h, v_shipping_zip_code_dim i, rds.customer j, rds.cdc_time k, v_entry_date_dim l where a.customer_number = c.customer_number and a.status_date >= c.effective_date and a.status_date < c.expiry_date and a.product_code = d.product_code and a.status_date >= d.effective_date and a.status_date < d.expiry_date and date(a.status_date) = e.date and date(a.request_delivery_date) = f.date and date(a.entry_date) = l.entry_date and a.verification_ind = g.verification_ind and a.credit_check_flag = g.credit_check_flag and a.new_customer_ind = g.new_customer_ind and a.web_order_flag = g.web_order_flag and a.customer_number = j.customer_number and j.customer_zip_code = h.customer_zip_code and j.shipping_zip_code = i.shipping_zip_code and a.entry_date >= k.last_load and a.entry_date < k.current_load; -- 重载PA客户维度 truncate table pa_customer_dim; insert into pa_customer_dim select distinct a.* from customer_dim a, sales_order_fact b, v_customer_zip_code_dim c where c.customer_state = 'pa' and b.customer_zip_code_sk = c.customer_zip_code_sk and a.customer_sk = b.customer_sk; -- 分析tds模式的表 analyze customer_dim; analyze product_dim; analyze sales_order_fact; analyze pa_customer_dim; -- 更新时间戳表的last_load字段 truncate table rds.cdc_time; insert into rds.cdc_time select v_cur_date, v_cur_date; end; $$ language plpgsql;
status_date >= v_customer_dim_his.effective_date and status_date < v_customer_dim_his.expiry_date
1. 给周期快照事实表增加事务事实表的逻辑主键
alter table month_end_sales_order_fact add order_number bigint default null;
2. 修改周期快照事实表装载函数
create or replace function tds.fn_month_sum(p_year_month int) returns void as $$ declare sqlstring varchar(1000); begin -- 幂等操作,先删除上月数据 sqlstring := 'truncate table month_end_sales_order_fact_1_prt_p' || cast(p_year_month as varchar); execute sqlstring; -- 插入上月销售汇总数据 insert into month_end_sales_order_fact select t1.year_month, t2.product_sk, coalesce(t2.month_order_amount,0), coalesce(t2.month_order_quantity,0), null from (select p_year_month year_month) t1 left join (select year_month, product_sk, sum(order_amount) month_order_amount, sum(quantity) month_order_quantity from sales_order_fact where year_month = p_year_month and coalesce(order_status,'N') = 'N' group by year_month,product_sk) t2 on t1.year_month = t2.year_month; -- 装载迟到的数据 insert into month_end_sales_order_fact select year_month, product_sk, order_amount, quantity, order_number from (select t1.year_month, t1.product_sk, t1.order_amount, t1.quantity, t1.order_number from sales_order_fact t1, v_entry_date_dim t2 where coalesce(t1.entry_date_sk, t1.status_date_sk) = t2.entry_date_sk and t2.year*100 + t2.month = p_year_month and t1.year_month < p_year_month and coalesce(t1.order_status,'N') = 'N' and not exists (select 1 from month_end_sales_order_fact t3 where t1.order_number = t3.order_number) ) t1; end; $$ language plpgsql;
- t2.year*100 + t2.month = p_year_month and t1.year_month < p_year_month 处理上个月之前的迟到数据;
- not exists (select 1 from month_end_sales_order_fact t3 where t1.order_number = t3.order_number) 处理尚未装载的迟到数据,用于实现幂等操作。
3. 建立视图进行二次汇总
create view v_month_end_sales_order_fact as select year_month, product_sk, sum(month_order_amount) month_order_amount, sum(month_order_quantity) month_order_quantity from month_end_sales_order_fact group by year_month, product_sk;
select year_month, product_name, month_order_amount amt, month_order_quantity qty from month_end_sales_order_fact a, product_dim b where a.product_sk = b.product_sk and year_month = cast(extract(year from current_date - interval '1 month') * 100 + extract(month from current_date - interval '1 month') as int) order by year_month, product_name;
use source; -- 迟到已存在 set @order_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-05-10') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-05-11') - unix_timestamp('2017-05-10'))); set @request_delivery_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_add(@order_date, interval 5 day)) + rand() * 86400); set @entry_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-06-07') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-06-08') - unix_timestamp('2017-06-07'))); set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); set @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90); insert into source.sales_order values (null, 143, 6, 2, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', @order_date, 'N', @request_delivery_date, @entry_date, @amount, @quantity); -- 迟到不存在 set @order_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-05-10') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-05-11') - unix_timestamp('2017-05-10'))); set @request_delivery_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_add(@order_date, interval 5 day)) + rand() * 86400); set @entry_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-06-07') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-06-08') - unix_timestamp('2017-06-07'))); set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); set @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90); insert into source.sales_order values (null, 144, 6, 3, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', @order_date, 'N', @request_delivery_date, @entry_date, @amount, @quantity); -- 非迟到 set @entry_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-06-07') + rand() * (unix_timestamp('2017-06-08') - unix_timestamp('2017-06-07'))); set @request_delivery_date := from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_add(@entry_date, interval 5 day)) + rand() * 86400); set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); set @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90); insert into source.sales_order values (null, 145, 12, 4, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', @entry_date, 'N', @request_delivery_date, @entry_date, @amount, @quantity); commit;
su - gpadmin -c 'export PGPASSWORD=123456;psql -U dwtest -d dw -h hdp3 -c "set search_path=tds;select fn_month_sum(cast(extract(year from current_date - interval '\''1 month'\'') * 100 + extract(month from current_date - interval '\''1 month'\'') as int))"'
select year_month, product_name, month_order_amount amt, month_order_quantity qty from v_month_end_sales_order_fact a, product_dim b where a.product_sk = b.product_sk and year_month = cast(extract(year from current_date - interval '1 month') * 100 + extract(month from current_date - interval '1 month') as int) order by year_month, product_name;
- 2017年5月Floppy Drive的销售金额已经从52083变为57707,这是由于迟到的产品销售订单增加了5624的销售金额。销售数量也相应的增加了。
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