from keyword import iskeyword as _iskeyword
import sys as _sys import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename="logging.txt", filemode="w+", \
format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _class_template = """\
from builtins import property as _property, tuple as _tuple
from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter
from collections import OrderedDict class {typename}(tuple):
'{typename}({arg_list})' __slots__ = () _fields = {field_names!r} def __new__(_cls, {arg_list}):
'Create new instance of {typename}({arg_list})'
return _tuple.__new__(_cls, ({arg_list})) @classmethod
def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):
'Make a new {typename} object from a sequence or iterable'
result = new(cls, iterable)
if len(result) != {num_fields:d}:
raise TypeError('Expected {num_fields:d} arguments, got %d' % len(result))
return result def _replace(_self, **kwds):
'Return a new {typename} object replacing specified fields with new values'
result = _self._make(map(kwds.pop, {field_names!r}, _self))
if kwds:
raise ValueError('Got unexpected field names: %r' % list(kwds))
return result def __repr__(self):
'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
return self.__class__.__name__ + '({repr_fmt})' % self def _asdict(self):
'Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.'
return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self)) def __getnewargs__(self):
'Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.'
return tuple(self) {field_defs}
""" _repr_template = '{name}=%r' _field_template = '''\
{name} = _property(_itemgetter({index:d}), doc='Alias for field number {index:d}')
''' def namedtuple(typename, field_names, *, verbose=False, rename=False, module=None):
"""Returns a new subclass of tuple with named fields. >>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
>>> Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class
'Point(x, y)'
>>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional args or keywords
>>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain tuple
>>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple
>>> x, y
(11, 22)
>>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name
>>> d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary
>>> d['x']
>>> Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary
Point(x=11, y=22)
>>> p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields
Point(x=100, y=22) """ # Validate the field names. At the user's option, either generate an error
# message or automatically replace the field name with a valid name.
if isinstance(field_names, str):
field_names = field_names.replace(',', ' ').split()
field_names = list(map(str, field_names))
typename = str(typename)"%s: %s" %(typename, field_names))
if rename:
seen = set()
for index, name in enumerate(field_names):
if (not name.isidentifier()
or _iskeyword(name)
or name.startswith('_')
or name in seen):
field_names[index] = '_%d' % index
for name in [typename] + field_names:
if type(name) is not str:
raise TypeError('Type names and field names must be strings')
if not name.isidentifier():
raise ValueError('Type names and field names must be valid '
'identifiers: %r' % name)
if _iskeyword(name):
raise ValueError('Type names and field names cannot be a '
'keyword: %r' % name)
seen = set()
for name in field_names:
if name.startswith('_') and not rename:
raise ValueError('Field names cannot start with an underscore: '
'%r' % name)
if name in seen:
raise ValueError('Encountered duplicate field name: %r' % name)
seen.add(name) # Fill-in the class template
class_definition = _class_template.format(
typename = typename,
field_names = tuple(field_names),
num_fields = len(field_names),
arg_list = repr(tuple(field_names)).replace("'", "")[1:-1],
repr_fmt = ', '.join(_repr_template.format(name=name)
for name in field_names),
field_defs = '\n'.join(_field_template.format(index=index, name=name)
for index, name in enumerate(field_names))
) # Execute the template string in a temporary namespace and support
# tracing utilities by setting a value for frame.f_globals['__name__']
namespace = dict(__name__='namedtuple_%s' % typename)
exec(class_definition, namespace)
result = namespace[typename]
result._source = class_definition
if verbose:
print(result._source) # For pickling to work, the __module__ variable needs to be set to the frame
# where the named tuple is created. Bypass this step in environments where
# sys._getframe is not defined (Jython for example) or sys._getframe is not
# defined for arguments greater than 0 (IronPython), or where the user has
# specified a particular module.
if module is None:
module = _sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
if module is not None:
result.__module__ = module return result
eg: people = namedtuple("person","name,age,sex")
class person(tuple) 分析
#coding=utf-8 from builtins import property as _property, tuple as _tuple
from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter
from collections import OrderedDict import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename="logging.txt", filemode="w+", \
format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class person(tuple):
'person(name, age, sex)' __slots__ = () _fields = ('name', 'age', 'sex') def __new__(_cls, name, age, sex):
'Create new instance of person(name, age, sex)'"__new__")
return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (name, age, sex)) @classmethod
def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):
'Make a new person object from a sequence or iterable'
result = new(cls, iterable)
if len(result) != 3:
raise TypeError('Expected 3 arguments, got %d' % len(result))
return result def _replace(_self, **kwds):
'Return a new person object replacing specified fields with new values' #需要深刻理解该代码的精髓
for item in _self:
str = '''
how to replace dict_keyvalue
li = map({"age":99}.pop, ('name', 'age', 'sex'), ("zhanglin", "11", "man"))
result = _self._make(map(kwds.pop, ('name', 'age', 'sex'), _self))
if kwds:
raise ValueError('Got unexpected field names: %r' % list(kwds))
return result def __repr__(self):
'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(name=%r, age=%r, sex=%r)' % self def _asdict(self):
'Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.'
return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self)) #打包为元组列表 def __getnewargs__(self):
'Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.'
return tuple(self) name = _property(_itemgetter(0), doc='Alias for field number 0') age = _property(_itemgetter(1), doc='Alias for field number 1') sex = _property(_itemgetter(2), doc='Alias for field number 2') if __name__ == "__main__": p1 = person("zhanglin", "", "man")"{0}:{1}".format("p1", p1))
p2 = p1._replace(name ="zhangsan", age=99)"{0}:{1}".format("p2", p2))
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - __new__
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - p1:person(name='zhanglin', age='', sex='man')
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - <class '__main__.person'>
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - zhanglin
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - 30
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - man
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO -
how to replace dict_keyvalue
li = map({"age":99}.pop, ('name', 'age', 'sex'), ("zhanglin", "", "man")) 2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - person(name='zhangsan', age=99, sex='man')
2018-03-21 15:10:46,197 - __main__ - INFO - p2:person(name='zhangsan', age=99, sex='man')
#coding=utf-8 import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename="logging.txt", filemode="w+",\
format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _class_template = \
class {typename}(tuple):
__slots__ = ()
_fields = {field_names!r}
def __new__(cls, *args, **dwargs):
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **dwargs)
''' def defineclass(typename, field_names):
class_definition = _class_template.format(typename=typename,field_names=field_names,\
arg_list = ','.join(name for name in field_names),\
self_format = "".join("\t\tself.{name}={name}\n".format(name=name) for name in field_names))
#arg_list = ', '.join('{name}'.format(name=name) for name in field_names))
#arg_list = repr(tuple(field_names)).replace("'", "")[1:-1]) namespace = dict(__name__='defineclass_%s' % typename)"namespce:{}".format(namespace))
exec(class_definition, namespace) result = namespace[typename]"typename:{0}--result:{1}".format(typename, namespace[typename]))
result._source = class_definition return result if __name__ == "__main__": person = defineclass("person", ("name", "age", "sex"))
print (type(person))
p = person(("zhanglin", "", "man"))
print (p)
print (p[0])
2018-03-22 00:05:50,705 - root - INFO - ('name', 'age', 'sex')
2018-03-22 00:05:50,705 - root - INFO -
class person(tuple):
__slots__ = ()
_fields = ('name', 'age', 'sex')
def __new__(cls, *args, **dwargs):
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **dwargs) 2018-03-22 00:05:50,705 - root - INFO - namespce:{'__name__': 'defineclass_person'}
2018-03-22 00:05:50,705 - root - INFO - typename:person--result:<class 'defineclass_person.person'>
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