python - networker api
Getting Started,概述
Connecting to NetWorker,连接networker方法:
- "Content-Type: application/json"
- "Accept: application/json"
- "Authorization: Basic with Base64 encoded username and password
Getting Started
NetWorker REST API is an interface that provides programmatic access to the NetWorker data protection service. By using REST API, customers can build client applications to automate NetWorker operations. NetWorker REST API is installed as part of NetWorker server installation in the same Apache tomcat container as the NetWorker authentication services. Authentication is done using the same credentials as is used for the NetWorker Management Console.
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows interaction with resources identified by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) addresses. It uses HTTP verbs (HEAD, GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) to interact with the URIs in a stateless way (server contains no client state, each message being self-descriptive).
This document deals with the interaction with NetWorker resources using customer-written REST API calls. Not to be confused with the REST API calls which are automatically used by NetWorker as part of its operations, notably as part of the NetWorker NVP-vProxy solution which uses REST as part of its internal communication mechanism.
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