类似的题目有HDU1058 humble number(翻译下来都是丑陋的数字)。


Ugly numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. The sequence 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, ... 

shows the first 10 ugly numbers. By convention, 1 is included. 

Given the integer n,write a program to find and print the n'th ugly number. 


Each line of the input contains a postisive integer n (n <= 1500).Input is terminated by a line with n=0.


For each line, output the n’th ugly number .:Don’t deal with the line with n=0.

Sample Input


Sample Output



思路:这道题目理解完题意之后最让人头疼的是如何打出一个升序顺序的表,而且这个表要保证这些数要符合题意又不能有所缺漏。我们可以利用定义num2,num3,num5来标记乘过2、3、5的最大数字的下标,当biao[i] == biao[numx] * x的时候(x表示2或3或5),我们让numx ++,而且我们要注意在用if语句判断时不要使用else if 来判断,否则这个表会有几个数字是相同的(例如2*3==6,3*2==6,不过是用else if的话肯定会有两个6)。


#define MAXN 1510 using namespace std; int biao[MAXN + 5]; void makeprime()
biao[1] = 1;
int num2 = 1, num3 = 1, num5 = 1;
for(int i = 2;i <= 1510; i ++)
biao[i] = min(biao[num2] * 2, min(biao[num3] * 3, biao[num5] * 5));
if(biao[i] == biao[num2] * 2) num2 ++;
if(biao[i] == biao[num3] * 3) num3 ++;
if(biao[i] == biao[num5] * 5) num5 ++;
} int main()
makeprime(); int n;
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF, n)
printf("%d\n", biao[n]);
return 0;

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