Debug with docker in pycharm


As I really really appreciate it that we can have a isolated develop environment, when I heard pycharm can debug with docker, I was more than happy. However, things are not that easy.

What I got

I tried, tried and tried. At an amzing monment I succeeded running docker on windows throgh DockerToolbox. Mostly, I refer One answer to Running a Docker image in PyCharm causes “Invalid volume specification”.(By the way, my machine and environment is exactly like the answer)

BUT suddenly I failed to repeat it.

So I changed to try it on ubuntu

Unbuntu 14.04 in virtualbox.

The default settings when add docker as shown below is not suitable for unbuntu 14.

According to another SO question's answer, adding unix:///var/run/docker.sock to the API URL shows Connection successful when click Apply. But when running programs it still won't work.

And then

Problem partially solved, when we use docker to debug our project throgh PyCharm, it's not attach to a running docker and/or exec the commands (by now). Instead it start a new Containner and run the commands, so if we want to debug a python file, we should make sure the docker running python when open.

In other word, the Dockerfile better with last sentence:

CMD ["python3"]

And in linux (ubuntu) when this assured, all things is OK. And now I can debug with alpine-python


After succeeded in linux, I go back and try in windows, it's surely a bug of pycharm and hope can be solved in latter version.

And what's more, what I really want is more than this, I hope as below:

| | +------------------+ +-------------------+
| | <----------------+ | | |
| Docker/rkt/others | | Desktop UI XXXXXX Happy ME |
| +----------------> | | | |
| | +------------------+ +-------------------+
Some remote servers

In other word, no applications on PC/Desktop, no more reinstall systems, no different configurations, no more configurations problems! But with full control of what we use.

I will review related techs in the future, and this is another weekend I spent play with docker and all the configurations and DIT NOTHING WORTHFUL. Well, that's typical me. -.-



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