
struct 结构体名{} 变量名;


struct person{

char *name;

int age;

float score;

} student;


//Members of the acquisition and assignment




printf("name=%s \n",student.name);


struct stu{

char *name;

int age;

float score;

} classes[5];


struct people{

char *name;

int age;

float score;

} d[]={




int len=sizeof(d)/sizeof(d[0]);

printf("d length=%d \n",len);

for(int i=0;i<len;i++){

printf("loop...%s,%d,%.1f \n",d[i].name,d[i].age,d[i].score);



struct 结构体名 *变量名;

struct person1{

char *name;

int age;

float score;

} a={"taoshihan",20,100},*b=&a;

struct person1 *c=&a;


printf("b.name=%s \n",(*b).name);

printf("c.name=%s \n",c->name);


#include <stdio.h>
int main(){ printf("hello world");
//Structure variables
struct person{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} student; //Members of the acquisition and assignment
printf("name=%s \n",student.name); //c struct array
struct stu{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} classes[]; struct stu1{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} classes1[]={
}; struct stu2{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} classes3[]={
printf("%s \n",classes1[].name); //Traverse the array of structures
struct people{
"chaper5.c" 71L, 1199C , Top
//Traverse the array of structures
struct people{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} d[]={
int len=sizeof(d)/sizeof(d[]);
printf("d length=%d \n",len);
for(int i=;i<len;i++){
printf("loop...%s,%d,%.1f \n",d[i].name,d[i].age,d[i].score);
} //C language structure and pointer
struct person1{
char *name;
int age;
float score;
} a={"taoshihan",,},*b=&a;
struct person1 *c=&a;
//Get the structure member printf("b.name=%s \n",(*b).name);
printf("c.name=%s \n",c->name);

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