package tet;

public class kk {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
String Stra = "123abc";
char ca = Stra.charAt(3);
System.out.println("1: "+ca);
//2. compareTo比较两个对象的差值,compareToIgnoreCase忽略大小写,返回值都为差值
String Stra = "abc";
String Strb = "ABC";
String Strc = "aBc";
System.out.println("2: "+Stra.compareTo(Strb));
System.out.println("2: "+Stra.compareToIgnoreCase(Strc));
//3. 指定字符串在最后一次出现的位置
String Stra = "hello world haha hello";
int i = Stra.lastIndexOf("haha");
System.out.println("3: "+i);
System.out.println("3: "+Stra.lastIndexOf("hello"));
//4. 删除字符串中的一个字符
{ //减去hello中的o
String Stra = "hello world haha";
String Strb = Stra.substring(0, 4)+Stra.substring(5);
System.out.println("4: "+Strb);
//5. 替换字符串,注意:是返回替换后的,本身不会替换
String Stra = "hello world haha";
Stra.replace("hehe", "haha");
System.out.println("5: "+Stra); String Strb = Stra.replace("haha", "hehe");
System.out.println("5: "+Strb);
//6. 查找字符串
String Stra = "hello world haha";
System.out.println("6: "+Stra.indexOf("world"));
System.out.println("6: "+Stra.indexOf("worle"));
//7. 字符串分割
String Stra = "www-baidu-com";
String[] suba;
suba = Stra.split("-");
for(String x : suba){
System.out.println("7: "+x);
} String Strb = "xxx hhh ccc"; //注意:ccc前面有两个空格,第一个会检测到,第二个不是的了
String[] subb;
subb = Strb.split(" ");
for(String x : subb){
System.out.println("7: "+x);
//8. 去掉前后空格
String Stra = " hello ";
System.out.println("8: "+Stra+Stra.length());
String Strb = Stra.trim();
System.out.println("8: "+Strb+Strb.length());
//9. 大小写转换
String Stra = "hello";
String Strb = "HELLO";
String Strc = "HellO";
System.out.println("9: "+Stra.toUpperCase()); //小写转大写
System.out.println("9: "+Strb.toLowerCase()); //大写转小写
System.out.println("9: "+Strc.toUpperCase()); //有大写有小写的字符串也能转换
//10. 格式化字符串
int i=5;double d = 6.6;
String Stra = String.format("haha=%d,hehe=%f",i,d);
System.out.println("10: "+Stra);
//11. 连接字符串
String Stra = "hello";
String Strb = Stra.concat(" hehe");
System.out.println("11: "+Stra);
System.out.println("11: "+Strb);
//12. 字符串性能测试
double current = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0;i<500000;i++){
String a = "hello";
double end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("12: 耗时="+(end-current)+"毫秒"); double current1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0;i<500000;i++){
String a = new String("haha");
double end1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("12: 耗时="+(end1-current1)+"毫秒");
} }


1:  a
2: 32
2: 0
3: 13
3: 18
4: hell world haha
5: hello world haha
5: hello world hehe
6: 6
6: -1
7: www
7: baidu
7: com
7: xxx
7: hhh
7: ccc
8: hello 11
8: hello5
9: hello
10: haha=5,hehe=6.600000
11: hello
11: hello hehe
12: 耗时=7.0毫秒
12: 耗时=25.0毫秒


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