Creating a custom analyzer in ElasticSearch Nest client

Question: Im very very new to elasticsearch using the nest client, I am creating an index with a custom analyzer, however when testing using analyze it does not seem to use the custom analyzer. Mainly no edgengram tokens appear. Is there anything I am missing that would make my custom analyser the default for the index? When I check my mappings using elastichq they show my custom analyzer.

ConnectionSettings settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"),    defaultIndex: "forum-app");

 IndexSettings indsettings = new IndexSettings();

   var an = new CustomAnalyzer();

   an.CharFilter = new List<string>();
an.Tokenizer = "edgeNGram";
an.Filter = new List<string>();
an.Filter.Add("stop"); indsettings.Analysis.Tokenizers.Add("edgeNGram", new Nest.EdgeNGramTokenizer
MaxGram = 15,
MinGram = 3
}); indsettings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("forumanalyzer", an); ElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(settings); client.CreateIndex("forum-app", c => c
.AddMapping<Forum>(e => e.MapFromAttributes())
.Analysis(analysis => analysis
.Analyzers(a => a
.Add("forumanalyzer", an)
))); //To index I just do this


You've added your custom analyzer to your index, but now you need to apply it your fields. You can do this on a field mapping level:

client.CreateIndex("forum-app", c => c
.AddMapping<Forum>(e => e
.Properties(p => p
.String(s => s.Name(f => f.SomeProperty).Analyzer("formanalyzer")))
.Analysis(analysis => analysis
.Analyzers(a => a
.Add("forumanalyzer", an)

Or you can apply it to all fields by default by setting it as the default analyzer of your index:

client.CreateIndex("forum-app", c => c
.AddMapping<Forum>(e => e.MapFromAttributes())
.Analysis(analysis => analysis
.Analyzers(a => a
.Add("default", an)

More info here in regards to analyzer defaults.


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