1. A good API will provide easy to use interfaces but also provide hard to miss-use interfaces. Usually the later one is more fundamental than that of the previous one. Consider you want to write a data class, there are thousands ways to write it. Here is one example:

class Date {
Date(int month, int day, int year);
}; Date(, , );
Date(, , );

Both are OK, but only one is logical right.

Under such situation, a better way to implement that is to constrict clients what they can do and force them to right direction:

class Month {
static Month Jan() {
return Month();
explicit Month(int m);
}; Data d(Month::Mar(), Day(), Year());

2. Let's see another example, suppose your interface returns a dynamic allocated resource and will be deleted after all. There are chances that a programmer will forget to delete it or delete it multi times. So, return a smart pointer would be a great idea.

std::tr1::shared_ptr<Investment> createInvestment() {
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Investment> retVal(static_cast<Investment>(),
getRidOfInvestment()); retVal = ...; //let retVal point to right object
return retVal;

Besides, smart pointer have another advantage that it will use default or assigned deleter, and you don't need to worry about "cross-DLL problems".

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