DevExpress13.2.9 控件使用经验总结
1. 添加 DevExpress.OfficeSkins 和 DevExpress.BonusSkins 两个引用
2. 皮肤注册
3. 加载皮肤列表,调用 SkinTools.LoadSkinList 函数
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using psi.Common;
using psi.Interfaces;
using DevExpress.Skins;
using DevExpress.LookAndFeel; /*************************************************************************
* 程序说明: 设置皮肤工具
namespace psi.Library
/// <summary>
/// 设置皮肤工具
/// </summary>
public class SkinTools
private static ToolStripMenuItem _CurrentSkinList = null; /// <summary>
/// 加载皮肤列表
/// </summary>
public static void LoadSkinList(ToolStripMenuItem owner)
_CurrentSkinList = owner; int skinCount = DevExpress.Skins.SkinManager.Default.Skins.Count;
ToolStripItem[] itemArr = new ToolStripItem[skinCount];
int index = ;
foreach (DevExpress.Skins.SkinContainer skin in DevExpress.Skins.SkinManager.Default.Skins)
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
item.Text = skin.SkinName;
item.Name = skin.SkinName;
item.Checked = skin.SkinName == SystemConfig.CurrentConfig.SkinName;
item.Click += new System.EventHandler(OnSetSkinClick);
itemArr[index] = item;
} owner.DropDownItems.AddRange(itemArr);
} /// <summary>
/// 设置皮肤
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private static void OnSetSkinClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripMenuItem clickItem = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;
SetSkin(clickItem.Name); if (_CurrentSkinList != null)
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in _CurrentSkinList.DropDownItems)
item.Checked = false;
} clickItem.Checked = true;
} public static void SetSkin(string skinName)
for (int i = ; i < Application.OpenForms.Count - ; i++)
Form form = Application.OpenForms[i]; if (form is IFormBase) (form as IFormBase).SetSkin(skinName);
4. 效果如下图
二. Grid 显示行号以及设置行号列名称
1. 添加 GridView 方法 CustomDrawRowIndicator
/// <summary>
/// 显示行号和设置行号列头部的字符
/// </summary>
private void gvSummary_CustomDrawRowIndicator(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowIndicatorCustomDrawEventArgs e)
if (e.Info.Kind == DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.IndicatorKind.Header)
e.Info.DisplayText = "行号";
e.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center;
if (e.Info.IsRowIndicator && e.RowHandle >= )
e.Info.DisplayText = Convert.ToString(e.RowHandle + );
2. 效果如下图
三. Grid 下添加固定合计行
1. 继承 GridView ,自定义表格 GridViewSummary,改变Grid父级控制器
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.Skins;
using DevExpress.LookAndFeel;
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid;
using System.Collections; namespace psi.UserControls.SummaryDataGrid
public partial class GridViewSummary : GridView
#region Browsable properties /// <summary>
/// 是否显示合计行的头部
/// </summary>
private bool displaySumRowHeader;
[Browsable(true), Category("Summary")]
public bool DisplaySumRowHeader
get { return displaySumRowHeader; }
set { displaySumRowHeader = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// 合计行头部文本
/// </summary>
private string sumRowHeaderText;
[Browsable(true), Category("Summary")]
public string SumRowHeaderText
get { return sumRowHeaderText; }
set { sumRowHeaderText = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// 合计行头部是否加粗
/// </summary>
private bool sumRowHeaderTextBold;
[Browsable(true), Category("Summary")]
public bool SumRowHeaderTextBold
get { return sumRowHeaderTextBold; }
set { sumRowHeaderTextBold = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// 需要合计列的列名数组
/// </summary>
private string[] summaryColumns;
[Browsable(true), Category("Summary")]
public string[] SummaryColumns
get { return summaryColumns; }
set { summaryColumns = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// 合并的列的集合
/// </summary>
private List<MergeColumn> mergeColumns = new List<MergeColumn>();
[Browsable(true), Category("Summary")]
public List<MergeColumn> MergeColumns
get { return mergeColumns; }
#endregion #region Declare variables private SummaryControlContainer summaryControl;
private Panel parentPanel; public SummaryControlContainer SummaryControl
get{return this.summaryControl;}
#endregion #region Constructor public GridViewSummary()
InitializeComponent(); this.parentPanel = new Panel();
summaryControl = new SummaryControlContainer(this);
} #endregion /// <summary>
/// 改变合计列的皮肤样式,使适应DevExpress的皮肤
/// </summary>
private void ChangeSummarySkin()
if (!DesignMode && this.summaryControl != null)
//Skin CommonSkin = CommonSkins.GetSkin(UserLookAndFeel.Default.ActiveLookAndFeel);
Skin GridSkin = GridSkins.GetSkin(UserLookAndFeel.Default.ActiveLookAndFeel);
this.summaryControl.BackColor = GridSkin[GridSkins.SkinGridEvenRow].Color.BackColor;
} /// <summary>
/// 改变Grid所属的父级控件
/// </summary>
private void ChangeParent()
Control parent = this.GridControl.Parent;
if (!DesignMode && parent != null)
gridOldWidth = GridControl.Width; summaryControl.InitialHeight = this.RowHeight + ;
summaryControl.ForeColor = Color.Transparent;
summaryControl.Height = summaryControl.InitialHeight; this.parentPanel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
this.parentPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
Size panelSize = new Size();
panelSize.Height = this.GridControl.Height + summaryControl.InitialHeight;
this.parentPanel.Size = panelSize; summaryControl.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; int controlIdx = parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(this.GridControl);
parent.Controls.Remove(this.GridControl); this.GridControl.Location = new Point(, );
this.GridControl.SizeChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridControl obj = (GridControl)sender;
if (obj.Width != gridOldWidth)
gridOldWidth = obj.Width;
}; this.parentPanel.Controls.Add(this.GridControl);
this.parentPanel.SizeChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Program.HomeForm.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized)
Panel obj = (Panel)sender;
if (obj.Width != && obj.Width != GridControl.Width)
gridOldWidth = GridControl.Width;
GridControl.Width = obj.Width;
parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(parentPanel, controlIdx);
} /// <summary>
/// 取得所有显示的列
/// </summary>
public List<GridColumn> DisaplyColumns
List<GridColumn> result = new List<GridColumn>();
GridColumnCollection columns = this.Columns;
if (columns == null)
return result;
foreach (GridColumn column in columns)
if (column.Visible)
} return result;
} public delegate void BeforeEndInitHandler();
public event BeforeEndInitHandler BeforeEndInit; public override void EndInit()
if (BeforeEndInit != null) BeforeEndInit();
} protected override void OnLookAndFeelChanged()
base.OnLookAndFeelChanged(); ChangeSummarySkin();
} private int gridOldWidth; /// 手动处理列宽度
public delegate void HandlerColumnWidth(GridColumn column, int maxWidth);
public event HandlerColumnWidth ColumnWidthHandler; /// 不进行宽度调整的列
public delegate List<GridColumn> ExcludeAdjustWidthColumns();
public event ExcludeAdjustWidthColumns ExcludeAdjustColumns; /// <summary>
/// 调整列宽度
/// </summary>
public void AdjustColumnWidth()
Control parent = this.GridControl.Parent;
if (!DesignMode && parent != null)
int gridWidth = this.GridControl.Width;
int columnsWidth = this.IndicatorWidth + ;
int count = ;
foreach (GridColumn column in DisaplyColumns)
if (ExcludeAdjustColumns != null)
List<GridColumn> excludeColumns = ExcludeAdjustColumns();
if (excludeColumns != null && excludeColumns.Contains(column))
column.Width = (column.Width * gridWidth) / gridOldWidth;
if (ColumnWidthHandler != null) ColumnWidthHandler(column, gridWidth - columnsWidth); columnsWidth += column.Width;
} /// <summary>
/// 删除全部行
/// </summary>
public void ClearRows()
bool _mutilSelected = this.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect;//获取当前是否可以多选
if (!_mutilSelected)
this.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect = true;
this.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect = _mutilSelected;//还原之前是否可以多选状态
2. GridViewSummary 所属的父级控制器,创建合计行
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid;
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns;
using DevExpress.Skins;
using DevExpress.LookAndFeel;
using System.Data; namespace psi.UserControls.SummaryDataGrid
public class SummaryControlContainer : UserControl
#region Declare variables
private Hashtable sumBoxHash;
private GridViewSummary gridViewSummary;
private Label sumRowHeaderLabel; private int initialHeight;
public int InitialHeight
get { return initialHeight; }
set { initialHeight = value; }
} public Hashtable SumBoxHash
get { return this.sumBoxHash; }
} #endregion #region Constructors public SummaryControlContainer(GridViewSummary gridViewSummary)
if (gridViewSummary == null)
throw new Exception("GridViewSummary is null!"); this.gridViewSummary = gridViewSummary;
sumBoxHash = new Hashtable();
sumRowHeaderLabel = new Label();
} #endregion #region Functions /// <summary>
/// Checks if passed object is of type of integer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">object</param>
/// <returns>true/ false</returns>
protected bool IsInteger(object o)
if (o is Int64)
return true;
if (o is Int32)
return true;
if (o is Int16)
return true;
return false;
} /// <summary>
/// Checks if passed object is of type of decimal/ double
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">object</param>
/// <returns>true/ false</returns>
protected bool IsDecimal(object o)
if (o is Decimal)
return true;
if (o is Single)
return true;
if (o is Double)
return true;
return false;
} /// <summary>
/// Create summary boxes for each Column of the DataGridView
/// </summary>
public void reCreateSumBoxes()
ReadOnlyTextBox sumBox;
Skin GridSkin = GridSkins.GetSkin(UserLookAndFeel.Default.ActiveLookAndFeel);
Skin CommonSkin = CommonSkins.GetSkin(UserLookAndFeel.Default.ActiveLookAndFeel); foreach (Control control in sumBoxHash.Values)
} int iCnt = ; List<GridColumn> gridColumns = this.gridViewSummary.DisaplyColumns;
foreach (GridColumn gridColumn in gridColumns)
sumBox = new ReadOnlyTextBox();
sumBox.Top = ;
sumBox.Height = this.initialHeight;
sumBox.BorderColor = GridSkin[GridSkins.SkinGridLine].Color.BackColor;
sumBox.Font = this.gridViewSummary.GridControl.Font;
sumBox.ForeColor = this.gridViewSummary.GridControl.ForeColor;
iCnt++; bool isMergeColumn = false;
foreach (MergeColumn mergeColumn in this.gridViewSummary.MergeColumns)
if (gridColumn.VisibleIndex >= mergeColumn.StartIndex && gridColumn.VisibleIndex <= mergeColumn.EndIndex)
isMergeColumn = true; if (gridColumn.VisibleIndex == mergeColumn.StartIndex)
if (gridColumns.Count == iCnt + (mergeColumn.EndIndex - mergeColumn.StartIndex + ))
sumBox.IsLastColumn = true;
if (sumBoxHash.ContainsKey(mergeColumn.ColumnName))
ReadOnlyTextBox textBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[mergeColumn.ColumnName];
sumBox.Text = textBox.Text;
sumBoxHash.Add(mergeColumn.ColumnName, sumBox);
if (isMergeColumn)
continue; if (gridColumns.Count == iCnt)
sumBox.IsLastColumn = true; if(sumBoxHash.ContainsKey(gridColumn.Name))
ReadOnlyTextBox textBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[gridColumn.Name];
sumBox.Text = textBox.Text;
sumBoxHash.Add(gridColumn.Name, sumBox); if (gridViewSummary.SummaryColumns != null && gridViewSummary.SummaryColumns.Length > )
for (int iCntX = ; iCntX < gridViewSummary.SummaryColumns.Length; iCntX++)
if (gridViewSummary.SummaryColumns[iCntX] == gridColumn.Name)
sumBox.TextAlign = TextHelper.TranslateGridColumnAligment(gridColumn.AppearanceCell.TextOptions.HAlignment);
sumBox.IsSummary = true; sumBox.FormatString = gridColumn.DisplayFormat.FormatString;
if (gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Int32) || gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Int16) ||
gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Int64) || gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Single) ||
gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Double) || gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Single) ||
gridColumn.ColumnType == typeof(System.Decimal))
sumBox.Tag = System.Activator.CreateInstance(gridColumn.ColumnType); break;
} this.Controls.Add(sumBox);
} if (gridViewSummary.DisplaySumRowHeader)
sumRowHeaderLabel.Width = this.gridViewSummary.IndicatorWidth;
sumRowHeaderLabel.Font = new Font(this.gridViewSummary.GridControl.Font, this.gridViewSummary.SumRowHeaderTextBold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular);
sumRowHeaderLabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
sumRowHeaderLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
sumRowHeaderLabel.Height = sumRowHeaderLabel.Font.Height;
sumRowHeaderLabel.Top = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(this.InitialHeight - sumRowHeaderLabel.Height) / 2F);
sumRowHeaderLabel.Text = gridViewSummary.SumRowHeaderText; sumRowHeaderLabel.ForeColor = this.gridViewSummary.GridControl.ForeColor;
sumRowHeaderLabel.Margin = new Padding();
sumRowHeaderLabel.Padding = new Padding(); this.Controls.Add(sumRowHeaderLabel);
} /// <summary>
/// Resize the text Boxes depending on the
/// width of the Columns of the GridView
/// </summary>
public void resizeSumBoxes()
if (sumBoxHash.Count > )
int rowHeaderWidth = gridViewSummary.OptionsView.ShowIndicator ? gridViewSummary.IndicatorWidth - : ;
int curPos = rowHeaderWidth; if (gridViewSummary.DisplaySumRowHeader && rowHeaderWidth > )
sumRowHeaderLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
if (sumRowHeaderLabel.Visible)
sumRowHeaderLabel.Visible = false;
} Rectangle oldBounds;
List<GridColumn> gridColumns = this.gridViewSummary.DisaplyColumns;
int mergeColumnWidth = ;
foreach (GridColumn gridColumn in gridColumns)
ReadOnlyTextBox sumBox = null; bool isMergeColumn = false;
foreach (MergeColumn mergeColumn in this.gridViewSummary.MergeColumns)
if (gridColumn.VisibleIndex >= mergeColumn.StartIndex && gridColumn.VisibleIndex <= mergeColumn.EndIndex)
isMergeColumn = true;
mergeColumnWidth += gridColumn.Width;
if (gridColumn.VisibleIndex == mergeColumn.EndIndex)
sumBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[mergeColumn.ColumnName];
if (sumBox != null)
oldBounds = sumBox.Bounds; sumBox.SetBounds(curPos, , mergeColumnWidth, , BoundsSpecified.X | BoundsSpecified.Width); if (!sumBox.Visible)
sumBox.Visible = true; if (oldBounds != sumBox.Bounds)
sumBox.Invalidate(); curPos += mergeColumnWidth;
mergeColumnWidth = ;
if (isMergeColumn)
continue; sumBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[gridColumn.Name];
if (sumBox != null)
oldBounds = sumBox.Bounds; sumBox.SetBounds(curPos, , gridColumn.Width, , BoundsSpecified.X | BoundsSpecified.Width); if (!sumBox.Visible)
sumBox.Visible = true; if (oldBounds != sumBox.Bounds)
sumBox.Invalidate(); curPos += gridColumn.Width;
3. 合计行的单元格对象
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using psi.Common; namespace psi.UserControls.SummaryDataGrid
public partial class ReadOnlyTextBox : UserControl
{ StringFormat format;
public event EventHandler TextChanged; public ReadOnlyTextBox()
InitializeComponent(); format = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap | StringFormatFlags.FitBlackBox | StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces);
format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; this.Height = ;
this.Width = ; this.Padding = new Padding();
} private Color borderColor = Color.Black; private bool isSummary;
public bool IsSummary
get { return isSummary; }
set { isSummary = value; }
} private bool isLastColumn;
public bool IsLastColumn
get { return isLastColumn; }
set { isLastColumn = value; }
} private string formatString;
public string FormatString
get { return formatString; }
set { formatString = value; }
} private HorizontalAlignment textAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
public HorizontalAlignment TextAlign
get { return textAlign; }
textAlign = value;
} private StringTrimming trimming = StringTrimming.None;
public StringTrimming Trimming
get { return trimming; }
trimming = value;
} private void setFormatFlags()
format.Alignment = TextHelper.TranslateAligment(TextAlign);
format.Trimming = trimming;
} public Color BorderColor
get { return borderColor; }
set { borderColor = value; }
} protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
int subWidth = ;
Rectangle textBounds; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formatString) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(ConvertEx.replaceCurrency(Text));
if (Text.Contains('%'))
num = decimal.Divide(num, );
Text = String.Format("{0:" + formatString + "}", num);
} textBounds = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.X, this.ClientRectangle.Y, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height);
using (Pen pen = new Pen(borderColor))
if (isLastColumn)
subWidth = ; e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), this.ClientRectangle);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, this.ClientRectangle.X, this.ClientRectangle.Y, this.ClientRectangle.Width - subWidth, this.ClientRectangle.Height);
e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), textBounds, format);
} protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
if (TextChanged != null)
TextChanged(this, e);
} }
4. 使用自定义表格 GridViewSummary,效果如下
四. Grid 自定义绘制操作列头
1. 创建 修改列(operate_modify)、删除列(operate_del)
2. 添加 GridView 方法 CustomDrawColumnHeader,绘制表头
/// <summary>
/// 自定义绘制操作列表头
/// </summary>
private void gvDetail_CustomDrawColumnHeader(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventArgs e)
if(e.Column != null)
if (e.Column == operate_modify)
e.Handled = true; int delColumnWidth = operate_del.VisibleWidth;
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(e.Info.Appearance.BackColor), new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X - delColumnWidth + , e.Bounds.Y + , e.Bounds.Width + delColumnWidth - , e.Bounds.Height - ));
e.Graphics.DrawString("操作", new Font("宋体", 9f), new SolidBrush(e.Info.Appearance.ForeColor), new Rectangle((e.Bounds.X - delColumnWidth) + (e.Bounds.Width + delColumnWidth) / - , e.Bounds.Y + , , ));
3. 效果如下
五. Grid 绘制复选框和全选框
1. 创建 复选框列(check)
2. 添加 GridView 方法 CustomDrawCell,绘制复选框
/// <summary>
/// 自定义绘制删除、修改单元格
/// </summary>
private void gvDetail_CustomDrawCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e)
GridView currentView = sender as GridView;
if (e.Column == check)
ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width / - , e.Bounds.Y + , , ), checkBoxState[e.RowHandle]);
3. 添加 GridView 方法 CustomDrawColumnHeader,绘制全选框
/// <summary>
/// 自定义绘制操作列表头
/// </summary>
private void gvDetail_CustomDrawColumnHeader(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventArgs e)
if(e.Column != null)
if (e.Column == check)
e.Handled = true; ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width / - , e.Bounds.Y + , , ), allSelectState);
4. 添加 GridView 方法 Click ,判断全选框是否被点击,若有则重绘所有复选框
/// <summary>
/// 判断Grid全选框是否被单击
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gridView"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ClickGridCheckBox(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView gridView, string name)
bool result = false;
if (gridView != null)
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ViewInfo.GridHitInfo info;
Point pt = gridView.GridControl.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
info = gridView.CalcHitInfo(pt);
if (info.InColumn && info.Column != null && info.Column.Name == name)
return true;
return result;
} private void gvDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ClickGridCheckBox(this.gvDetail, "check"))
allSelectState = allSelectState == ButtonState.Checked ? ButtonState.Normal : ButtonState.Checked;
selCount = allSelectState == ButtonState.Checked?:checkBoxState.Count; for (int i = ; i < checkBoxState.Count; i++)
SetCheckBoxState(i, allSelectState);
} /// <summary>
/// 重新绘制复选框
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rowHandle"></param>
/// <param name="state"></param>
private void SetCheckBoxState(int rowHandle, ButtonState state)
checkBoxState[rowHandle] = state;
GridViewInfo info = gvDetail.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo;
GridCellInfo cellInfo = info.GetGridCellInfo(rowHandle, check); ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(gcDetail.CreateGraphics(), new Rectangle(cellInfo.Bounds.X + cellInfo.Bounds.Width / - , cellInfo.Bounds.Y + , , ), state); }
5. 效果如下
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小程序引入外部文件的方式是:@import "*/*.wxss"; 因为业务需要,正在开发的小程序中需要使用iconfont,很容易想到了H5的引入方式: ```` @font-f ...
- [Swift实际操作]八、实用进阶-(2)Swift语言中的三种消息传递模式
本文将通过响应按钮的点击事件,来演示Target-Action消息传递机制,该机制主要用于响应用户的界面操作.打开创建的空白项目.然后在左侧的项目导航区,打开视图控制器的代码文件:ViewContro ...
- java程序向hdfs中追加数据,异常以及解决方案
今天在学习hdfs时,遇到问题,就是在向hdfs中追加数据总是报错,在经过好几个小时的努力之下终于将他搞定 解决方案如下:在hadoop的hdfs-sit.xml中添加一下三项 <propert ...
- finally语句块一定会执行吗?
public class SystemExitAndFinally { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ System.out.println ...
- Machine learning第四周code 编程作业
1.lrCostFunction: 和第三周的那个一样的: function [J, grad] = lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda) %LRCOSTFUNCTI ...
- MySQL的库、表详细操作
本节目录 一.库操作 二.表操作 三.行操作 一.库操作 1.创建数据库 1.1 语法 CREATE DATABASE 数据库名 charset utf8; 1.2 数据库命名规则 可以由字母.数字. ...
- Python爬虫学习:Python内置的爬虫模块urllib库
urllib库 urllib库是Python中一个最基本的网络请求的库.它可以模拟浏览器的行为发送请求(都是这样),从而获取返回的数据 urllib.request 在Python3的urllib库当 ...