* 参照php标准库设计接口


* 反转单向链表

reverse方法, 其他的方法为了方便测试

* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Mch
* Date: 8/11/18
* Time: 00:25
class Node {
public $value;
public $next;
public function __construct($data) {
$this->value = $data;
$this->next = null;
} class LinkedList implements Iterator, Countable {
private $head;
private $cur; public function __construct() {
$this->head = $this->cur = null;
} public function isEmpty() {
return is_null($this->head);
} public function count() {
$p = $this->head;
$count = 0;
while ($p !== null) {
$p = $p->next;
return $count;
public function current() {
if ($this->isEmpty()) {
return null;
return $this->cur->value;
public function next() {
if (is_null($this->cur)) {
return null;
$this->cur = $this->cur->next;
public function rewind() {
$this->cur = $this->head;
} public function valid() {
return !is_null($this->cur);
public function key() {
$p = $this->head;
$key = 0;
while ($p !== $this->cur) {
$p = $p->next;
return $key;
public function push($value) {
if ($this->isEmpty()) {
$this->head = new Node($value);
$this->cur = $this->head;
} else {
$this->cur = $this->head;
while ($this->cur->next !== null) {
$this->cur = $this->cur->next;
$this->cur->next = new Node($value);
return $this;
} public function forEach(callable $callback, mixed $userdata = null) {
while($this->valid()) {
call_user_func($callback, $this->current(), $this->key(), $userdata);
} public function reverse() {
if ($this->isEmpty())
if ($this->count() < 2)
$prev = null;
$cur = $this->head;
while ($cur) {
// save next
$next = $cur->next;
// move cur to head
$this->head = $cur;
$cur->next = $prev;
// iterate
$prev = $cur;
$cur = $next;
} }


* test

$list = new LinkedList();

for ($i = 65; $i < 91; $i++) {
} $list->forEach(function($value, $index) {
printf("[%d] => %s<br />", $index, $value);
echo '-------------------<br />';
$list->forEach(function($value, $index) {
printf("[%d] => %s<br />", $index, $value);


* output:

[0] => A
[1] => B
[2] => C
[3] => D
[4] => E
[5] => F


[0] => Z
[1] => Y
[2] => X
[3] => W
[4] => V
[5] => U

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