
Array Packing



# We have to re-write the algorithm slightly.

packedB = te.compute((N / bn, K, bn), lambda x, y, z: B[y, x * bn + z], name="packedB")

C = te.compute(

(M, N),

lambda x, y: te.sum(A[x, k] * packedB[y // bn, k, tvm.tir.indexmod(y, bn)], axis=k),



s = te.create_schedule(C.op)

xo, yo, xi, yi = s[C].tile(C.op.axis[0], C.op.axis[1], bn, bn)

(k,) = s[C].op.reduce_axis

ko, ki = s[C].split(k, factor=4)

s[C].reorder(xo, yo, ko, xi, ki, yi)


x, y, z = s[packedB].op.axis



func = tvm.build(s, [A, B, C], target=target, name="mmult")

assert func

c = tvm.nd.array(numpy.zeros((M, N), dtype=dtype), ctx)

func(a, b, c)

tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), answer, rtol=1e-5)

evaluator = func.time_evaluator(func.entry_name, ctx, number=10)

print("Opt4: %f" % evaluator(a, b, c).mean)


Opt4: 0.105409

Here is the generated IR after array packing.

print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))


primfn(A_1: handle, B_1: handle, C_1: handle) -> ()

attr = {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}

buffers = {C: Buffer(C_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

B: Buffer(B_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

A: Buffer(A_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], [])}

buffer_map = {A_1: A, B_1: B, C_1: C} {

attr [packedB: Pointer(float32)] "storage_scope" = "global";

allocate(packedB, float32x32, [32768]) {

for (x: int32, 0, 32) "parallel" {

for (y: int32, 0, 1024) {

packedB[ramp(((x*32768) + (y*32)), 1, 32)] = (float32x32*)B_2[ramp(((y*1024) + (x*32)), 1, 32)]



for (x.outer: int32, 0, 32) {

for (y.outer: int32, 0, 32) {

for (x.inner.init: int32, 0, 32) {

C_2[ramp((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner.init*1024)) + (y.outer*32)), 1, 32)] = broadcast(0f32, 32)


for (k.outer: int32, 0, 256) {

for (x.inner: int32, 0, 32) {

for (k.inner: int32, 0, 4) {

C_2[ramp((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner*1024)) + (y.outer*32)), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C_2[ramp((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner*1024)) + (y.outer*32)), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + k.inner)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + (k.inner*32)), 1, 32)]))








Write cache for blocks


s = te.create_schedule(C.op)

# Allocate write cache

CC = s.cache_write(C, "global")

xo, yo, xi, yi = s[C].tile(C.op.axis[0], C.op.axis[1], bn, bn)

# Write cache is computed at yo

s[CC].compute_at(s[C], yo)

# New inner axes

xc, yc = s[CC].op.axis

(k,) = s[CC].op.reduce_axis

ko, ki = s[CC].split(k, factor=4)

s[CC].reorder(ko, xc, ki, yc)



x, y, z = s[packedB].op.axis



func = tvm.build(s, [A, B, C], target=target, name="mmult")

assert func

c = tvm.nd.array(numpy.zeros((M, N), dtype=dtype), ctx)

func(a, b, c)

tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), answer, rtol=1e-5)

evaluator = func.time_evaluator(func.entry_name, ctx, number=10)

print("Opt5: %f" % evaluator(a, b, c).mean)


Opt5: 0.098048

Here is the generated IR after blocking.

print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))


primfn(A_1: handle, B_1: handle, C_1: handle) -> ()

attr = {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}

buffers = {C: Buffer(C_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

B: Buffer(B_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

A: Buffer(A_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], [])}

buffer_map = {A_1: A, B_1: B, C_1: C} {

attr [packedB: Pointer(float32)] "storage_scope" = "global";

allocate(packedB, float32x32, [32768]);

attr [C.global: Pointer(float32)] "storage_scope" = "global";

allocate(C.global, float32, [1024]) {

for (x: int32, 0, 32) "parallel" {

for (y: int32, 0, 1024) {

packedB[ramp(((x*32768) + (y*32)), 1, 32)] = (float32x32*)B_2[ramp(((y*1024) + (x*32)), 1, 32)]



for (x.outer: int32, 0, 32) {

for (y.outer: int32, 0, 32) {

for (x.c.init: int32, 0, 32) {

C.global[ramp((x.c.init*32), 1, 32)] = broadcast(0f32, 32)


for (k.outer: int32, 0, 256) {

for (x.c: int32, 0, 32) {

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[(((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4))], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp(((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 1)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 32), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 2)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 64), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 3)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 96), 1, 32)]))



for (x.inner: int32, 0, 32) {

for (y.inner: int32, 0, 32) {

C_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner*1024)) + (y.outer*32)) + y.inner)] = (float32*)C.global[((x.inner*32) + y.inner)]









s = te.create_schedule(C.op)

CC = s.cache_write(C, "global")

xo, yo, xi, yi = s[C].tile(C.op.axis[0], C.op.axis[1], bn, bn)

s[CC].compute_at(s[C], yo)

xc, yc = s[CC].op.axis

(k,) = s[CC].op.reduce_axis

ko, ki = s[CC].split(k, factor=4)

s[CC].reorder(ko, xc, ki, yc)



# parallel


x, y, z = s[packedB].op.axis



func = tvm.build(s, [A, B, C], target=target, name="mmult")

assert func

c = tvm.nd.array(numpy.zeros((M, N), dtype=dtype), ctx)

func(a, b, c)

tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), answer, rtol=1e-5)

evaluator = func.time_evaluator(func.entry_name, ctx, number=50)

opt6_time = evaluator(a, b, c).mean

print("Opt6: %f" % opt6_time)


Opt6: 0.032347

Here is the generated IR after parallelization.

print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))


primfn(A_1: handle, B_1: handle, C_1: handle) -> ()

attr = {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}

buffers = {C: Buffer(C_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

B: Buffer(B_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], []),

A: Buffer(A_2: Pointer(float32), float32, [1024, 1024], [])}

buffer_map = {A_1: A, B_1: B, C_1: C} {

attr [packedB: Pointer(float32)] "storage_scope" = "global";

allocate(packedB, float32x32, [32768]) {

for (x: int32, 0, 32) "parallel" {

for (y: int32, 0, 1024) {

packedB[ramp(((x*32768) + (y*32)), 1, 32)] = (float32x32*)B_2[ramp(((y*1024) + (x*32)), 1, 32)]



for (x.outer: int32, 0, 32) "parallel" {

attr [C.global: Pointer(float32)] "storage_scope" = "global";

allocate(C.global, float32, [1024]);

for (y.outer: int32, 0, 32) {

for (x.c.init: int32, 0, 32) {

C.global[ramp((x.c.init*32), 1, 32)] = broadcast(0f32, 32)


for (k.outer: int32, 0, 256) {

for (x.c: int32, 0, 32) {

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[(((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4))], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp(((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 1)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 32), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 2)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 64), 1, 32)]))

C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] = ((float32x32*)C.global[ramp((x.c*32), 1, 32)] + (broadcast((float32*)A_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.c*1024)) + (k.outer*4)) + 3)], 32)*(float32x32*)packedB[ramp((((y.outer*32768) + (k.outer*128)) + 96), 1, 32)]))



for (x.inner: int32, 0, 32) {

for (y.inner: int32, 0, 32) {

C_2[((((x.outer*32768) + (x.inner*1024)) + (y.outer*32)) + y.inner)] = (float32*)C.global[((x.inner*32) + y.inner)]











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