近期回顾Dead of the Book demo时,看见了它们的运用。感觉主要是用于ScriptableObject资源和Scene资源解耦;



public class ExposeTableObj : MonoBehaviour, IExposedPropertyTable
public struct Info
public PropertyName id;
public Object value;
} [SerializeField] private Info[] infos; public void ClearReferenceValue(PropertyName id)
infos = System.Array.Empty<Info>();
} public Object GetReferenceValue(PropertyName id, out bool idValid)
idValid = false; for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
var info = infos[i];
if (info.id == id)
idValid = true;
return info.value;
} return null;
} public void SetReferenceValue(PropertyName id, Object value)


public class ExposeTableUser : MonoBehaviour
{public ExposeTableObj exposeTable; private void Start()
ExposedReference<GameObject> myReference = new ExposedReference<GameObject>();
myReference.exposedName = "myGoObj";
GameObject go = myReference.Resolve(exposeTable);





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