- OATableBean table =
- (OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("LineTable");
- int numOfRowsDisplay = table.getNumberOfRowsDisplayed();
- Serializable[] param01 = { new Number(numOfRowsDisplay) };
- Class[] classType = new Class[] { Number.class, };
- am.invokeMethod("addPlanLines", param01, classType);
- public void addPlanLines(Number numOfDisplay) {
- OADBTransaction tsn = this.getOADBTransaction();
- CuxPosAuditPlanLinesFullVOImpl lineVO =
- getCuxPosAuditPlanLinesFullVO();
- Number planId = getPlanId();
- lineVO.setMaxFetchSize(0);
- if (!lineVO.isPreparedForExecution()) {
- lineVO.setWhereClause(null);
- lineVO.executeQuery();
- }
- RowSet localRowSet = lineVO.getRowSet();
- int i = 1;
- int j = numOfDisplay.intValue();
- int rangeStart = localRowSet.getRangeStart();
- int rangeSize = localRowSet.getRangeSize();
- int rowCountInRange = localRowSet.getRowCountInRange();
- int i1;
- if (rowCountInRange + i <= j)
- i1 = rowCountInRange;
- else {
- i1 = j - i;
- }
- CuxPosAuditPlanLinesFullVORowImpl row =
- (CuxPosAuditPlanLinesFullVORowImpl)lineVO.createRow();
- if (rangeSize < i1) {
- rangeSize++;
- localRowSet.setRangeSize(rangeSize);
- localRowSet.setRangeStart(rangeStart);
- }
- row.setPlanId(planId);
- Number pk = getSequenceValue("CUX_POS_AUDIT_PLAN_LINES_S");
- row.setLineId(pk);
- row.setOrgId(new Number(tsn.getOrgId()));
- row.setOrgName(getOrgName(tsn.getOrgId()));
- localRowSet.insertRowAtRangeIndex(i1, row);
- localRowSet.setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex(i1);
- }
- /**
- * This method is for use with UI Table addRows buttons that require the
- * addition of multiple rows; given a RowIterator (such as a VO) and the
- * number of rows the caller needs to add, this method figures out where
- * the caller should start adding rows in order to comply with the BLAF
- * standard that newly added rows should go into the bottom of the current
- * table range (which is the same as the RowIterator range if things are
- * set up properly), pushing rows into the next range if necessary
- *
- * Returns: range-based (not absolute) index within the current range
- */
- public static int getStartIndexForMultiInsert(RowIterator rowIt, int numRowsToAdd)
- {
- int numRowsInRange = rowIt.getRowCountInRange();
- int rangeSize = rowIt.getRangeSize();
- int firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = 0;
- int numOpenSlotsInRange = (rangeSize - numRowsInRange);
- if (rowIt.getRangeSize() < rangeSize)
- {
- rowIt.setRangeSize(rangeSize);
- }
- if (numOpenSlotsInRange < numRowsToAdd)
- {
- firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = rangeSize - numRowsToAdd;
- }
- else
- {
- firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = numRowsInRange;
- }
- return firstIndexAtWhichToAdd;
- }
- 调用:
- int indexForRowInserts = getStartIndexForMultiInsert(vo, 1);
- vo.insertRowAtRangeIndex(indexForRowInserts,row);
- calculVO.insertRow(row);
- int fetched = calculVO.getFetchedRowCount();
- fetched = fetched > 9 ? 9 : fetched;
- if (fetched > 0)
- {
- int current = fetched % 10;
- if (current == 0)
- {
- fetched = 9;
- } else
- {
- fetched = current > 9 ? 9 : current;
- }
- }
- calculVO.insertRowAtRangeIndex(fetched, row);
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