
内核符号表是怎么创建的呢? System.map是由“nm vmlinux”产生并且不相关的符号被滤出。对于本文中的例子,编译内核时,System.map创建在/usr/src/linux-2.4/。像下面这样:

nm /boot/vmlinux-2.4.7-10 >


nm vmlinux | grep -v ‘(compiled)|(.o$$)|( [aUw] )|($$)|(LASH[RL]DI)’ | sort >


cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/


Linux内核不使用符号名,而是通过变量或函数的地址来识别变量或函数名。比如不是使用size_t BytesRead这样的符号,而是像c0343f20这样引用这个变量。

对于使用计算机的人来说,更喜欢使用那些像size_t BytesRead这样的名字,而不喜欢像c0343f20这样的名字。内核主要是用c写的,所以编译器/连接器允许我们编码时使用符号名,当内核运行时使用地址。

然而,在有的情况下,我们需要知道符号的地址,或者需要知道地址对应的符号。这由符号表来完成,符号表是所有符号连同它们的地址的列表。Linux 符号表使用到2个文件:


/proc/ksyms是一个“proc file”,在内核引导时创建。实际上,它并不真正的是一个文件,它只不过是内核数据的表示,却给人们是一个磁盘文件的假象,这从它的文件大小是0可以看 出来。然而,System.map是存在于你的文件系统上的实际文件。当你编译一个新内核时,各个符号名的地址要发生变化,你的老的 具有的是错误的符号信息。每次内核编译时产生一个新的,你应当用新的System.map来取代老的。

虽然内核本身并不真正使用,但其它程序比如klogd, lsof和ps等软件需要一个正确的。如果你使用错误的或没有,klogd的输出将是不可靠的,这对于排除程序 故障会带来困难。没有,你可能会面临一些令人烦恼的提示信息。


Linux的内核日志守护进程klogd为了执行名称-地址解析,klogd需要使用。System.map应当放在使用它的 软 件能够找到它的地方。执行:man klogd可知,如果没有将System.map作为一个变量的位置给klogd,那么它将按照下面的顺序,在三个地方查找






这些代表符号类型. 小写代表本地符号,大写代表外部符号.

The symbol's value is absolute, and will not be changed by further linking.

The symbol is in the uninitialized data section (known as BSS).

The symbol is common. Common symbols are uninitialized data. When linking, multiple common symbols may appear with the same name. If the symbol is defined anywhere, the common symbols are treated as undefined references. For more details on common symbols, see the discussion of -warn-common in Linker options.

The symbol is in the initialized data section.

The symbol is in an initialized data section for small objects. Some object file formats permit more efficient access to small data objects, such as a global int variable as opposed to a large global array.

The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol. This is a GNU extension to the a.out object file format which is rarely used.

The symbol is a debugging symbol.

The symbol is in a read only data section.

The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small objects.

The symbol is in the text (code) section.

The symbol is undefined.

The symbol is a weak object. When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error. When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error.

The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically tagged as a weak object symbol. When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error. When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error.

The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a.out object file. In this case, the next values printed are the stabs other field, the stabs desc field, and the stab type. Stabs symbols are used to hold debugging information. For more information, see Stabs.

The symbol type is unknown, or object file format specific.



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