


参考:《C++ Primer》4ed_CN  p_495


struct base
base() { std::cout << "base()" << std::endl; }
base( base const & ) { std::cout << "base(base const &)" << std::endl; }
base& operator=( base const & ) { std::cout << "base::=" << std::endl; }
struct derived : public base
// compiler will generate:
// derived() : base() {}
// derived( derived const & d ) : base( d ) {}
// derived& operator=( derived const & rhs ) {
// base::operator=( rhs );
// return *this;
// }
int main()
derived d1; // will printout base()
derived d2 = d1; // will printout base(base const &)
d2 = d1; // will printout base::=


class Base
/* .. */
}; class Derive: public Base
Derived(const Derived &d): Base(d)
/* ... */
} Derived &Derived::operator=(const Derived &rhs)
if(this != &rhs)
/* ... */
} return *this;

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