this inspection reports usage of the default file template for file header
使用idea创建一个java class的时候会出现如下的warning:
this inspection reports usage of the default file template for file header
The point of it is to remind you to document your code by adding a description of the class. No matter what you set the template to, if you don't change the text that is in the template, it assumes you want a reminder to override it with some useful information. If you are not in the habit of adorning your code with informative comments, then you can disable that particular check.
To disable the check, where you see the comment block highlighted as a warning, click in that shaded area, wait for the "light bulb" intention icon to appear near the left margin, then, when it pops up a box that says "Edit template...", instead of clicking on the words, click on the little arrow to the right of the words, and select "Disable inspection".
声明: 原创文章,未经允许,禁止转载!
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