* PHP 二叉树
* @author : xiaojiang 2014-01-01
* */
class Tree { protected $k = null;
protected $left = null;
protected $right = null; public function __construct( $k= null , $left = null, $right = null){ $this->k = $k;
$this->left = $left;
$this->right = $right;
} public function isEmpty(){
return !isset($this->k);
} public function getKey(){
return isset($this->k) ? $this->k : false;
} public function setKey($k){ if(!$this->isEmpty())
return ;
$this->k = $k;
$this->left = new Tree();
$this->right = new Tree();
return true;
} public function deleteKey(){
return false;
$ret = $this->k;
$this->k = null;
$this->left = null;
$this->right = null;
return $ret;
} public function setLeftKey( Tree $obj){
if( $this->left || !$this->left->isEmpty())
return false;
$this->left = $obj;
} public function delLeftKey(){ if($this->isEmpty())
$ret = $this->left ;
$this->left = new Tree();
return $ret;
} public function setRightKey( Tree $obj){
if( $this->left || !$this->left->isEmpty())
return false;
$this->left = $obj;
} public function delRightKey(){ if($this->isEmpty())
$ret = $this->left ;
$this->left = new Tree();
return $ret;
} } /**
* 二叉树排序
* @author: xiaojiang
* */ class bTree extends Tree{ static public function initbTree($array){ $root = new bTree();
foreach($array as $val){
return $root;
} public function compare($obj){
return $this->k - $obj;
} public function contain($obj){ if ($this->isEmpty())
return false;
$diff = $this->compare($obj);
if($diff == 0){
return true;
}else if($diff > 0){
return $this->right->contain($obj);
}else {
return $this->left->contain($obj);
} public function insert($obj){ if($this->isEmpty()){
$diff = $this->compare($obj);
if($diff > 0){
} public function findMax(){
return $this->right->findMax();
return $this->k;
} public function findMin(){ if($this->isEmpty())
return ;
return $this->left->findMin();
return $this->k;
} public function setKey($k){ if(!$this->isEmpty())
return ;
$this->k = $k;
$this->left = new bTree();
$this->right = new bTree();
return true;
} protected function _afterInsert(){}
} $arr = array(1,5,4,5,10); $btree = bTree::initbTree($arr); echo $btree->findMax(); // 10 echo "<br>"; echo $btree->findMin(); // 1


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