Why ExerciseAlone May Not Be the Key to Weight Loss
If you give a mouse a running wheel, it will run.
But it may not burn many additional calories, because it will also start to move differently when it is
not on the wheel, according to an interesting new study of the behaviors and metabolisms of
exercising mice.
The study, published in Diabetes, involved animals, but it could have cautionary implications for
people who start exercising in the hopes of losing weight.
In recent years, study after study examining exercise and weight loss among people and animals has
concluded that, by itself, exercise is not an effective way to drop pounds.
In most of these experiments, the participants lost far less weight than would have been expected,
mathematically, given how many additional calories they were burning with their workouts.
Scientists involved in this research have suspected and sometimes shown that exercisers, whatever
their species, tend to become hungrier and consume more calories after physical activity. They also
may grow more sedentary outside of exercise sessions. Together or separately, these changes could
compensate for the extra energy used during exercise, meaning that, over all, energy expenditure
doesn’t change and a person’s or rodent’s weight remains stubbornly the same.
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Proving that possibility has been daunting, though, in part because it is difficult to quantify every
physical movement someone or something makes, and how their movements do or do not change
after exercise. Mice, for instance, skitter, dart, freeze, groom, eat, roam, defecate and otherwise flit
about in frequent fits and starts.
But recently, animal researchers hit upon the idea of using infrared light beams to track how animals
move at any given moment in their cages. Sophisticated software then can use that information to
map daily patterns of physical activity, showing, second-by-second, when, where and for how long
an animal roams, sits, runs or otherwise spends its time.
Intrigued, scientists at Vanderbilt University and other institutions thought that this technology would
be ideal for tracking mice before and after they started exercising, especially if the technology were
used in specialized metabolic-chamber cages that can quantify how much energy an inhabitant is
expending throughout the day.
范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)等机构的科学家们对此很感兴趣,他们认为,这项技术
So the scientists fitted out cages, added locked running wheels, and let young, healthy,
normal-weight, male mice loose in them to roam and explore for four days, providing the researchers
with baseline data about each mouse’s metabolism and natural peripatetic-ness.
The wheels then were unlocked and for nine days, the mice could run at will, while also eating and
moving around off the wheels as much as they chose.
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然后,这些轮子被解开了 9 天,小鼠可以在轮子上自由玩耍,也可以随心所欲地吃东西,在轮
The mice, which seem to enjoy running, hopped readily on the wheels and ran, off and on, for hours.
They showed a subsequent spike in their daily energy expenditure, according to the metabolic
measures, which makes sense, since they had added exercise to their lives.
But they did not change their eating habits. Although they were burning more calories, they did not
gorge on more chow.
They did, however, alter how they moved. Almost immediately after they started using the wheels,
they stopped roaming around their cages as they had before the wheels were unlocked.
In particular, they stopped engaging in the kind of lengthy meanders that had been common before
they began to run. Instead, they now usually jogged on their wheels for a few minutes, hopped off,
rested or roamed in short spurts, and then climbed back on the wheels, ran, rested, briefly roamed,
and repeated.
These changes in how they spent their time neatly managed to almost counteract the extra calorie
costs from running, says Daniel Lark, a research fellow in molecular physiology at the Vanderbilt
University School of Medicine, who led the new study.
这项新研究的负责人、范德比尔特大学医学院的分子生理学研究员丹尼尔·拉克(Daniel Lark)
In general, the running mice showed a slightly negative energy balance, meaning that they were
burning a few more calories over the course of the day than they were taking in by chowing down.
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But that caloric deficit would have been about 45 percent greater, the metabolic calculations showed,
if they had not also begun moving around their cages less.
但新陈代谢数据显示,如果它们没有减少在笼中的散步,那么,热量赤字会增加约 45%。
What prompted the running mice to roam less is still uncertain.
“But it does not seem to have been fatigue or lack of time,” Dr. Lark says.
Wheel running is not arduous for mice, he points out, and did not fill their waking hours.
Instead, he says, it is likely that the animals’ bodies and brains sensed the beginnings of an energy
deficit when the mice began to run and sent out biological signals that somehow advised the animals
to slow down, conserve energy, maintain homeostasis and not drop weight.
He and his colleagues would like, in future experiments, to explore how, physiologically, the
rodents’ bodies sensed the changes in their energy balance and at what point they might begin to eat
more. They also would like to study female, older and obese animals.
Mice will never be people, of course, so we cannot say whether the results of this and any follow-up
experiments would directly apply to us, Dr. Lark says.
But the results do intimate that if we hope to exercise off excess pounds, we watch what we eat and
try not to move less while we work out more.

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