2019-03-25 14:10:51




一、N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal



    public List<Integer> preorder(Node root) {
if (root == null) return new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Node cur = stack.pop();
for (int i = cur.children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (cur.children.get(i) != null) stack.push(cur.children.get(i));
return res;

二、N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal



public List<Integer> postorder(Node root) {
if (root == null) return new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Node cur = stack.pop();
res.add(0, cur.val);
for (int i = 0; i < cur.children.size(); i++) if (cur.children.get(i) != null)
return res;


三、N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal



    public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(Node root) {
if (root == null) return new ArrayList<>();
List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>();
Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int size = q.size();
res.add(new ArrayList<>());
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Node cur = q.poll();
res.get(res.size() - 1).add(cur.val);
for (int j = 0; j < cur.children.size(); j++) {
if (cur.children.get(j) != null) q.offer(cur.children.get(j));
return res;




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