Go Example--strings
package main
import (
s "strings"
var p = fmt.Println
func main() {
p("Contains: ", s.Contains("test", "es"))
p("Count:", s.Count("test", "t"))
p("HasPrefix", s.HasPrefix("test", "te"))
p("HasSuffix", s.HasSuffix("test", "st"))
p("Index", s.Index("test", "e"))
p("Join", s.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))
p("Repeat", s.Repeat("a", 5))
p("Replace", s.Replace("foo", "o", "0", -1))
p("Replace", s.Replace("foo", "o", "0", 1))
p("Split", s.Split("a-b-c-d-e", "-"))
p("ToLower", s.ToLower("TESt"))
p("ToUpper", s.ToUpper("teSt"))
p("Len:", len("hello"))
p("Char", "hello"[1])
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