Software Testing, Lab 1

March 10. 2016, by 赵国佺(3014218108)

一、     environment setup

Firstly, I download the eclemma Zip from our ST’s course web. Because it is my first time to add plugins into Eclipse. So I search it on the Internet, by the help of them. I copy the file and paste it into the dropins folder. And delete a file.

Ok, if we can see the pic on the tool list, the eclemma is installed successfully.

What is more, the jUnit is a very powerful plugin and it’s also to use.

Click right button on the project folder->choose properties->Java Build Path->Add external JARS(choose what you want* hamcrest and jUnit)

After we do this, we have already setup the Testing environment.

二、     code and analysis

1.Test with no error.

Because I push my code on the Internet, So what I use in this section are only printscreens.

Step1: Writing the Java code. (Triangle Class)

Step2: Use some true test case to test.

What is more, running the code with jUnit, we will get the results, all right.

And click the Coverage As, we get the result——

Because we use all the right test cases, so we get the 100% coverage.

2.Test with some errors.

If we delete the Annotation, the jUnit will help us to find failure.

Also can find the wrong code not be covered. The coverage percent is deceased to64.1%.


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