Codeforces Round #248 (Div. 1)——Ryouko's Memory Note
- 题意:
给n和m,一行m个1<=x<=n的数。记c=.如今仅仅能选择一个数x变成y,序列中全部等于x的值都变成y,求最小的c - 分析:
const int maxn = 110000; LL ipt[maxn];
map<LL, vector<LL> > mp;
map<LL, vector<LL> >::iterator it; int main()
int n, m;
while (~RII(n, m))
REP(i, m)
cin >> ipt[i];
REP(i, m)
if (i > 0 && ipt[i - 1] != ipt[i])
mp[ipt[i]].push_back(ipt[i - 1]);
if (i < m - 1 && ipt[i + 1] != ipt[i])
mp[ipt[i]].push_back(ipt[i + 1]);
LL ans = 0;
FC(it, mp)
vector<LL>& ipt = it->second;
LL t = 0, m = ipt[(LL)ipt.size() / 2];
REP(i, ipt.size())
t += abs((it->first) - ipt[i]) - abs(m - ipt[i]);
ans = max(ans, t);
ans *= -1;
REP(i, m - 1)
ans += abs(ipt[i] - ipt[i + 1]);
cout << ans << endl;
return 0;
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