原文:Android菜鸟的成长笔记(15)—— Android中的状态保存探究(下)


下面我们先来看一个现象:(代码在 Android中状态保存探究(上)中)







Constant Value Description
mcc 0x0001 The IMSI MCC has changed, that is a SIM has been detected and updated the Mobile Country Code.
mnc 0x0002 The IMSI MNC has changed, that is a SIM has been detected and updated the Mobile Network Code.
locale 0x0004 The locale has changed, that is the user has selected a new language that text should be displayed in.
touchscreen 0x0008 The touchscreen has changed. Should never normally happen.
keyboard 0x0010 The keyboard type has changed, for example the user has plugged in an external keyboard.
keyboardHidden 0x0020 The keyboard or navigation accessibility has changed, for example the user has slid the keyboard out to expose it. Note that despite its name, this applied to any accessibility: keyboard or navigation.键盘隐藏
navigation 0x0040 The navigation type has changed. Should never normally happen.导航
orientation 0x0080 The screen orientation has changed, that is the user has rotated the device.屏幕翻转
screenLayout 0x0100 The screen layout has changed. This might be caused by a different display being activated.屏幕布局改变
uiMode 0x0200 The global user interface mode has changed. For example, going in or out of car mode, night mode changing, etc.
screenSize 0x0400 The current available screen size has changed. If applications don't target at least HONEYCOMB_MR2 then the activity will always handle this itself (the change will not result in a restart). This represents a change in the currently available size, so will change when the user switches between landscape and portrait.
smallestScreenSize 0x0800 The physical screen size has changed. If applications don't target at least HONEYCOMB_MR2 then the activity will always handle this itself (the change will not result in a restart). This represents a change in size regardless of orientation, so will only change when the actual physical screen size has changed such as switching to an external display.
layoutDirection 0x2000 The layout direction has changed. For example going from LTR to RTL.
fontScale 0x40000000 The font scaling factor has changed, that is the user has selected a new global font size.字体大小




public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
Log.i("大碗干拌", "调用了onConfiguration onChanged方法");
Log.i("大碗干拌", "切换到了横屏");
}else if(newConfig.equals(Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)){
Log.i("大碗干拌", "切换到了竖屏");


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