The tempfile module

The tempfile module

This module allows you to quickly come up with unique names to use for temporary files.

Example: Using the tempfile module to create filenames for temporary files
# File:

import tempfile
import os tempfile = tempfile.mktemp() print "tempfile", "=>", tempfile file = open(tempfile, "w+b")
file.write("*" * 1000)
print len(, "bytes"
file.close() try:
# must remove file when done
except OSError:
tempfile => C:\TEMP\~160-1
1000 bytes

The TemporaryFile function picks a suitable name, and opens the file. It also makes sure that the file is removed when it’s closed (under Unix, you can remove an open file and have it disappear when the file is closed. On other platforms, this is done via a special wrapper class).

Example: Using the tempfile module to open temporary files
# File:

import tempfile

file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

for i in range(100):
file.write("*" * 100) file.close() # removes the file!

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