KingbaseES 全文检索功能介绍
KingbaseES 内置的缺省的分词解析器采用空格分词,因为中文的词语之间没有空格分割,所以这种方法并不适用于中文。要支持中文的全文检索需要额外的中文分词插件:zhparser and sys_jieba,其中zhparser 支持 GBK 和 UTF8 字符集,sys_jieba 支持 UTF8 字符集。
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('English','Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value');
- to_tsvector
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'becom':4,13 'man':6,15 'rather':10 'success':8 'tri':1,11 'valu':17
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('simple','Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value');
- to_tsvector
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'a':5,14 'become':4,13 'but':9 'man':6,15 'not':2 'of':7,16 'rather':10 'success':8 'to':3,12 'try':1,11 'value':17
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value');
- to_tsvector
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'a':5,14 'become':4,13 'but':9 'man':6,15 'not':2 'of':7,16 'rather':10 'success':8 'to':3,12 'try':1,11 'value':17
- (1 row)
这里可以看到,如果词干分析器是english ,会采取词干标准化的过程;而simple 只是转换成小写。默认是 simple。
- test=# show default_text_search_config;
- default_text_search_config
- ----------------------------
- pg_catalog.simple
- (1 row)
- 总是把大写字母换成小写的
- 也经常移除后缀(比如英语中的s,es和ing等),这样可以搜索同一个字的各种变体,而不是乏味地输入所有可能的变体。
- 数字表示词位在原始字符串中的位置,比如“man"出现在第6和15的位置上。
- to_tesvetor的默认配置的文本搜索是“英语“。它会忽略掉英语中的停用词(stopword,译注:也就是am is are a an等单词)。
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ 'become';
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ 'becom';
- ?column?
- ----------
- f
- (1 row)
- test=# select 'become'::tsquery,to_tsquery('become'),to_tsquery('english','become');
- tsquery | to_tsquery | to_tsquery
- ----------+------------+------------
- 'become' | 'become' | 'becom'
- (1 row)
to_tsquery 也会进行标准化转换,在搜索时必须用 to_tsquery,确保数据不会因为标准化转换而搜索不到。
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('become');
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('!become');
- ?column?
- ----------
- f
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('tri & become');
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('Try & !becom');
- ?column?
- ----------
- f
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('Try | !become');
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
5、可以用 :* 表示某词开始字符
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') @@ to_tsquery('bec:*');
- ?column?
- ----------
- t
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('simple','Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value');
- to_tsvector
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'a':5,14 'become':4,13 'but':9 'man':6,15 'not':2 'of':7,16 'rather':10 'success':8 'to':3,12 'try':1,11 'value':17
- (1 row)
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('english','Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') ;
- to_tsvector
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'becom':4,13 'man':6,15 'rather':10 'success':8 'tri':1,11 'valu':17
- (1 row)
- ^
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('french','Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') ;
- to_tsvector
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'a':5,14 'becom':4,13 'but':9 'man':6,15 'not':2 'of':7,16 'rath':10 'success':8 'to':3,12 'try':1,11 'valu':17
- (1 row)
- ^
- test=# SELECT to_tsvector('french'::regconfig,'Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value') ;
- to_tsvector
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'a':5,14 'becom':4,13 'but':9 'man':6,15 'not':2 'of':7,16 'rath':10 'success':8 'to':3,12 'try':1,11 'valu':17
- (1 row)
simple并不忽略禁用词表,它也不会试着去查找单词的词根。使用simple时,空格分割的每一组字符都是一个语义;simple 只做了小写转换;对于数据来说,simple文本搜索配置项很实用。
- test=# select to_tsvector('人大金仓致力于提供高可靠的数据库产品');
- to_tsvector
- ------------------------------------------
- '人大金仓致力于提供高可靠的数据库产品':1
- create extension zhparser;
- create text search configuration zhongwen_parser (parser = zhparser);
- alter text search configuration zhongwen_parser add mapping for n,v,a,i,e,l,j with simple;
上面 for 后面的字母表示分词的token,上面的token映射只映射了名词(n),动词(v),形容词(a),成语(i),叹词(e),缩写(j) 和习用语(l)6种,这6种以外的token全部被屏蔽。词典使用的是内置的simple词典。具体的token 如下:
- test=# select ts_token_type('zhparser');
- ts_token_type
- ------------------------
- (97,a,adjective)
- (98,b,differentiation)
- (99,c,conjunction)
- (100,d,adverb)
- (101,e,exclamation)
- (102,f,position)
- (103,g,root)
- (104,h,head)
- (105,i,idiom)
- (106,j,abbreviation)
- (107,k,tail)
- (108,l,tmp)
- (109,m,numeral)
- (110,n,noun)
- (111,o,onomatopoeia)
- (112,p,prepositional)
- (113,q,quantity)
- (114,r,pronoun)
- (115,s,space)
- (116,t,time)
- (117,u,auxiliary)
- (118,v,verb)
- (119,w,punctuation)
- (120,x,unknown)
- (121,y,modal)
- (122,z,status)
- (26 rows)
创建text search configuration 后,可以在视图pg_ts_config 看到如下信息:
- test=# select * from pg_ts_config;
- oid | cfgname | cfgnamespace | cfgowner | cfgparser
- -------+-----------------+--------------+----------+-----------
- 3748 | simple | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13265 | arabic | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13267 | danish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13269 | dutch | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13271 | english | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13273 | finnish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13275 | french | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13277 | german | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13279 | hungarian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13281 | indonesian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13283 | irish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13285 | italian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13287 | lithuanian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13289 | nepali | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13291 | norwegian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13293 | portuguese | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13295 | romanian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13297 | russian | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13299 | spanish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13301 | swedish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13303 | tamil | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 13305 | turkish | 11 | 10 | 3722
- 16390 | parser_name | 2200 | 10 | 16389
- 24587 | zhongwen_parser | 2200 | 10 | 16389
- test=# select to_tsvector('zhongwen_parser','人大金仓致力于提供高可靠的数据库产品');
- to_tsvector
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- '产品':7 '人大':1 '可靠':5 '提供':3 '数据库':6 '致力于':2 '高':4
4、contains 函数
- test=# \df+ contains
- List of functions
- Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Source code
- | Description
- --------+----------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+--------+----------+-------------------+----------+------------------------------------------+-------------
- sys | contains | boolean | text, text | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | sql | select to_tsvector($1) @@ to_tsquery($2) |
- sys | contains | boolean | text, text, integer | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | sql | select to_tsvector($1) @@ to_tsquery($2) |
- sys | contains | boolean | text, tsquery | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | sql | select $1::tsvector @@ $2 |
- sys | contains | boolean | tsvector, text | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | sql | select $1 @@ $2::tsquery |
- sys | contains | boolean | tsvector, tsquery | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | sql | select $1 @@ $2 |
默认contains 函数使用的是空格分词解析器,因此,无法使用contains 进行中文判断
- test=# select contains('人大金仓致力于提供高可靠的数据库产品','产品');
- contains
- ----------
- f
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