


import requests, json, re, time

headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36",
"Cookie": "; clientid=3; did=web_a9d0c104cbfd24374a5dad685b26dd70; client_key=65890b29; didv=1594279985370; Hm_lvt_86a27b7db2c5c0ae37fee4a8a35033ee=1594622985; Hm_lpvt_86a27b7db2c5c0ae37fee4a8a35033ee=1594885138; userId=127345174; userId=127345174;;"} def get_page1():
response = requests.get(url="", headers=headers)
res = response.text
# print(res)
video_page1 = re.findall('"id":"VideoFeed:(.*?)"',res)
print(video_page1) def get_video(resp):
eid = re.findall('"id":"(.*?)"',resp)
id = []
count = 0
while len(eid)>count: id.append(eid[count])
count=count+2 print(id)
return id def get_page(pcursor):
json0 = {
"operationName": "publicFeedsQuery",
"variables": {
"principalId": "TXXW-666666",
"pcursor": pcursor,
"count": 24
"query": "query publicFeedsQuery($principalId: String, $pcursor: String, $count: Int) { publicFeeds(principalId: $principalId, pcursor: $pcursor, count: $count) { pcursor live { user { id avatar name __typename } watchingCount poster coverUrl caption id playUrls { quality url __typename } quality gameInfo { category name pubgSurvival type kingHero __typename } hasRedPack liveGuess expTag __typename } list { id thumbnailUrl poster workType type useVideoPlayer imgUrls imgSizes magicFace musicName caption location liked onlyFollowerCanComment relativeHeight timestamp width height counts { displayView displayLike displayComment __typename } user { id eid name avatar __typename } expTag __typename } __typename }}"
} resp ="",headers=headers,json=json0).text
resp_page = json.loads(resp)["data"]["publicFeeds"]["pcursor"]
# print(resp)
# li = json.loads(resp)["data"]["publicFeeds"]["list"]
# print(li) id = get_video(resp)
uri_list = video_address(id) video_detial(uri_list) return get_page(resp_page) def video_address(id):
url_list = []
for i in range(len(id)):
url_list.append(""+id[i]+"?did=web_a9d0c104cbfd24374a5dad685b26dd70") return url_list def video_detial(uri_list):
for i in range(len(uri_list)):
uri = uri_list[i] response = requests.get(url=uri,headers=headers).text
# time.sleep(0.5)
# 标题
title = re.findall('"caption":"(.*?)"',response)[0]
# 播放量
playback = re.findall('"displayView":"(.*?)"',response)[0]
# 点赞数
playlike = re.findall('"displayLike":"(.*?)"',response)[0]
except Exception as e:
print(uri,"暂无数据") if __name__ == '__main__':
# get_page("")


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