How do I uninstall the GAC from my C# application.

I am not able to uninstall, the particular exe and DLL from GAC.

Is it the proper way to uninstall the GAC in C# ?

public void RemoveAssembly(string ShortAssemblyName, string PublicToken)
AssemblyCacheEnum AssembCache = new AssemblyCacheEnum(null); string FullAssembName = null; for (; ; )
string AssembNameLoc = AssembCache.GetNextAssembly();
if (AssembNameLoc == null)
break; string Pt;
string ShortName = GetAssemblyShortName(AssembNameLoc, out Pt); if (ShortAssemblyName == ShortName)
{ if (PublicToken != null)
PublicToken = PublicToken.Trim().ToLower();
if (Pt == null)
FullAssembName = AssembNameLoc;
} Pt = Pt.ToLower().Trim(); if (PublicToken == Pt)
FullAssembName = AssembNameLoc;
FullAssembName = AssembNameLoc;
} string Stoken = "null";
if (PublicToken != null)
Stoken = PublicToken;
} if (FullAssembName == null)
throw new Exception("Assembly=" + ShortAssemblyName + ",PublicToken=" +
token + " not found in GAC"); AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition UninstDisp; AssemblyCache.UninstallAssembly(FullAssembName, null, out UninstDisp);
} public static void UninstallAssembly(String assemblyName, InstallReference reference, out AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition disp)
AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition dispResult = AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition.Uninstalled;
if (reference != null)
if (!InstallReferenceGuid.IsValidGuidScheme(reference.GuidScheme))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid reference guid.", "guid");
} IAssemblyCache ac = null; int hr = Utils.CreateAssemblyCache(out ac, 0);
if (hr >= 0)
hr = ac.UninstallAssembly(0, assemblyName, reference, out dispResult);
} if (hr < 0)
} disp = dispResult;


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