


...enable/allows sb. To do...

By doing .....,...can.....

By doing....,it is highly likely that...

....function as a platform for sb. To do

..provides an opportunity...

...is a way for sb. To do

...is a way +定从




Younger school children learn art





Body1:For starters,art and music function as a platform for children to loosen up

Body2:Additionally,taking such courses in a way helping children find out what they are really interested in.

Tip:Loosen up=relax=Temporary escape


Whether An effective leader make others parts of the decision process



Body1:Encouraging employees to give suggestion allows leader to make decisions completely.

Body2:Meeting with more stuff function as a platform for employee to participate actively in daily event.


Body1:First off,leader can make better decisions if they allow others to participate in the decision-making process.

Body2:It can also help boost the motivation of employees


Make sb. Do




boost the motivation激发参与


Young student do homework with parents help?


Body1:By doing homework without the help of parents,children can promote their skills on thinking independently.

Body2:It can help children concentrate on their own work.

Help children overcome the difficulties existing in tasks by their specific knowledge.

Contribute to better Family relationship


Body1:To begin with,doing assignment by their own helps develop childrens independence.

Body2:Additionally,parents can teach their kids about patience through this process.


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