
People in Mars represent the colors in their computers in a similar way as the Earth people. That is, a color is represented by a 6-digit number, where the first 2 digits are for Red, the middle 2 digits for Green, and the last 2 digits for Blue. The only difference is that they use radix 13 (0-9 and A-C) instead of 16. Now given a color in three decimal numbers (each between 0 and 168), you are supposed to output their Mars RGB values.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case which occupies a line containing the three decimal color values.

Output Specification:

For each test case you should output the Mars RGB value in the following format: first output #, then followed by a 6-digit number where all the English characters must be upper-cased. If a single color is only 1-digit long, you must print a 0 to its left.

Sample Input:

15 43 71

Sample Output:



简单说,就是给你310进制数字(0-168),输出一个"#"号,把他们都转成13进制(0-9A-C)并输出,中间不要有空格,168也就是 CC,所以转换结果最多也就是 CC,宽度为2,但是要求转换结果只有1位的时候要前面补0,以2位的格式输出,并且字母只能是大写。(比如输出 #12A3BB


最核心的肯定就是把这个10进制的数(num)转成13进制,但是它最多只有两位,所以高位就是 num / 13低位就是 num % 13,这不就是两个位置凑齐了??


比如 char c[14] = {"0123456789ABC"}, 然后把原本的输出 cout << num / 13 << num % 13 变成 cout << c[num / 13] << c[num % 13] 就搞定


#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main() {
// 作为映射表
char c[14] = {"0123456789ABC"};
// cout << "#";
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int num;
// cin >> num;
scanf("%d", &num);
// 转成13进制,两位,高位是 / 13,地位是 % 13
cout << c[num / 13] << c[num % 13];
return 0;

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