

Implement int sqrt(int x).


Compute and return the square root of x.


很明显,用二分搜索可解,但是需要防止溢出,所以中间结果和上界下界都要用long long 来保存。

class Solution {


    int sqrt(int x) {

        // Start typing your C/C++ solution below

        // DO NOT write int main() function

        if(x<0)return -1;

        if(x<4)return x>0?1:0;

        long long  rmin=0;

        long long  rmax=x/2;


        long long  rmid;





            if((rmid*rmid)==x)return rmid;


            else rmax=rmid-1;



        int result=rmin;



        return result;





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