RStudio Keyboard Shortcuts
Console |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Move cursor to Console | Ctrl+2 | Ctrl+2 |
Clear console | Ctrl+L | Command+L |
Move cursor to beginning of line | Home | Command+Left |
Move cursor to end of line | End | Command+Right |
Navigate command history | Up/Down | Up/Down |
Popup command history | Ctrl+Up | Command+Up |
Interrupt currently executing command | Esc | Esc |
Change working directory | Ctrl+Shift+K | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Source |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Go to File/Function | Ctrl+. | Ctrl+. |
Move cursor to Source Editor | Ctrl+1 | Ctrl+1 |
New document (except on Chrome/Windows) | Ctrl+Shift+N | Command+Shift+N |
Open document | Ctrl+O | Command+O |
Save active document | Ctrl+S | Command+S |
Close active document (except on Chrome) | Ctrl+W | Command+W |
Close active document (Chrome only) | Ctrl+Alt+W | Command+Option+W |
Close all open documents | Ctrl+Shift+W | Command+Shift+W |
Preview HTML | Ctrl+Shift+Y | Command+Shift+Y |
Knit to HTML | Ctrl+Shift+H | Command+Shift+H |
Compile PDF (TeX and Sweave) | Ctrl+Shift+I | Command+Shift+I |
Insert chunk | Ctrl+Alt+I | Command+Option+I |
Insert code section | Ctrl+Shift+R | Command+Shift+R |
Run current line/selection | Ctrl+Enter | Command+Enter |
Re-run previous region | Ctrl+Shift+P | Command+Shift+P |
Run current document | Ctrl+Alt+R | Command+Option+R |
Run from document beginning to current line | Ctrl+Alt+B | Command+Option+B |
Run from current line to document end | Ctrl+Alt+E | Command+Option+E |
Run the current function definition | Ctrl+Alt+F | Command+Option+F |
Run the current chunk | Ctrl+Alt+C | Command+Option+C |
Run the next chunk | Ctrl+Alt+N | Command+Option+N |
Source a file | Ctrl+Shift+O | Command+Shift+O |
Source the current document | Ctrl+Shift+S | Command+Shift+S |
Source the current document (with echo) | Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Command+Shift+Enter |
Fold selected | Alt+L | Command+Option+L |
Unfold selected | Shift+Alt+L | Command+Shift+Option+L |
Fold all | Alt+0 | Command+Option+0 |
Unfold all | Shift+Alt+0 | Command+Shift+Option+0 |
Go to line | Shift+Alt+G | Command+Shift+Option+G |
Jump to | Shift+Alt+J | Command+Shift+Option+J |
Switch to tab | Ctrl+Alt+Down | Ctrl+Option+Down |
Previous tab | Win: Ctrl+Alt+Left, Linux: Ctrl+PageUp | Ctrl+Option+Left |
Next tab | Win: Ctrl+Alt+Right, Linux: Ctrl+PageDown | Ctrl+Option+Right |
First tab | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left | Ctrl+Shift+Option+Left |
Last tab | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right | Ctrl+Shift+Option+Right |
Navigate back | Ctrl+F9 | Command+F9 |
Navigate forward | Ctrl+F10 | Command+F10 |
Reindent lines | Ctrl+I | Command+I |
Extract function from selection | Ctrl+Shift+U | Command+Shift+U |
Comment/uncomment current line/selection | Ctrl+Shift+C | Command+Shift+C |
Reflow comment | Ctrl+Shift+/ | Command+Shift+/ |
Transpose Letters | Ctrl+T | |
Move Lines Up/Down | Alt+Up/Down | Option+Up/Down |
Copy Lines Up/Down | Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down | Command+Option+Up/Down |
Jump to Matching Brace/Paren | Ctrl+P | Ctrl+P |
Find and Replace | Ctrl+F | Command+F |
Find Next | Win: F3, Linux: Ctrl+G | Command+G |
Find Previous | Win: Shift+F3, Linux: Ctrl+Shift+G | Command+Shift+G |
Replace and Find | Ctrl+= | Command+= |
Find in Files | Ctrl+Shift+F | Command+Shift+F |
Check spelling | F7 | F7 |
Editing (Console and Source) |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Command+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z | Command+Shift+Z |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Command+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Command+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Command+V |
Select All | Ctrl+A | Command+A |
Jump to Word | Ctrl+Left/Right | Option+Left/Right |
Jump to Start/End | Ctrl+Home/End or Ctrl+Up/Down | Command+Home/End or Command+Up/Down |
Delete Line | Ctrl+D | Command+D |
Select | Shift+[Arrow] | Shift+[Arrow] |
Select Word | Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right | Option+Shift+Left/Right |
Select to Line Start | Shift+Home | Command+Shift+Left or Shift+Home |
Select to Line End | Shift+End | Command+Shift+Right or Shift+End |
Select Page Up/Down | Shift+PageUp/PageDown | Shift+PageUp/Down |
Select to Start/End | Ctrl+Shift+Home/End or Shift+Alt+Up/Down | Command+Shift+Up/Down |
Delete Word Left | Ctrl+Backspace | Option+Backspace or Ctrl+Option+Backspace |
Delete Word Right | Option+Delete | |
Delete to Line End | Ctrl+K | |
Delete to Line Start | Option+Backspace | |
Indent | Tab (at beginning of line) | Tab (at beginning of line) |
Outdent | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab |
Yank line up to cursor | Ctrl+U | Ctrl+U |
Yank line after cursor | Ctrl+K | Ctrl+K |
Insert currently yanked text | Ctrl+Y | Ctrl+Y |
Insert assignment operator | Alt+- | Option+- |
Show help for function at cursor | F1 | F1 |
Show source code for function at cursor | F2 | F2 |
Completions (Console and Source) |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Attempt completion | Tab or Ctrl+Space | Tab or Command+Space |
Navigate candidates | Up/Down | Up/Down |
Accept selected candidate | Enter, Tab, or Right | Enter, Tab, or Right |
Dismiss completion popup | Esc | Esc |
Views |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Goto File/Function | Ctrl+. | Ctrl+. |
Move cursor to Source Editor | Ctrl+1 | Ctrl+1 |
Move cursor to Console | Ctrl+2 | Ctrl+2 |
Move focus to Help | Ctrl+3 | Ctrl+3 |
Show History | Ctrl+4 | Ctrl+4 |
Show Files | Ctrl+5 | Ctrl+5 |
Show Plots | Ctrl+6 | Ctrl+6 |
Show Packages | Ctrl+7 | Ctrl+7 |
Show Workspace | Ctrl+8 | Ctrl+8 |
Show Git/SVN | Ctrl+9 | Ctrl+9 |
Show Build | Ctrl+0 | Ctrl+0 |
Sync Editor and PDF Preview | Ctrl+F8 | Command+F8 |
Build |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Build and Reload | Ctrl+Shift+B | Command+Shift+B |
Load All (devtools) | Ctrl+Shift+L | Command+Shift+L |
Check Package | Ctrl+Shift+E | Command+Shift+E |
Plots |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Previous plot | Ctrl+Shift+PageUp | Command+Shift+PageUp |
Next plot | Ctrl+Shift+PageDown | Command+Shift+PageDown |
Show manipulator | Ctrl+Shift+M | Command+Shift+M |
Git/SVN |
Description | Windows & Linux | Mac |
Diff active source document | Ctrl+Shift+D | Command+Shift+D |
Commit changes | Ctrl+Shift+M | Command+Shift+M |
Scroll diff view | Ctrl+Up/Down | Ctrl+Up/Down |
Stage/Unstage (Git) | Spacebar | Spacebar |
Stage/Unstage and move next (Git) | Enter | Enter |
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