You might be looking for the ShortcutsEnabled property. Setting it to true would allow your text boxes to implement the Ctrl+A shortcut (among others). From the documentation:

Use the ShortcutsEnabled property to enable or disable the following shortcut key combinations:

  • CTRL+Z

  • CTRL+E

  • CTRL+C

  • CTRL+Y

  • CTRL+X


  • CTRL+V


  • CTRL+A


  • CTRL+L


  • CTRL+R

However, the documentation states:

The TextBox control does not support the CTRL+A shortcut key when the Multiline property value is true.

You will probably have to use another subclass of TextBoxBase, such as RichTextBox, for that to work.

Like other answers indicate, Application.EnableVisualStyles() should be called. Also the TextBox.ShortcutsEnabled should be set to true.

But if your TextBox.Multiline is enabled then Ctrl+A will not work (see MSDN documentation). Using RichTextBox instead will get around the problem.


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