Human Interface Device (HID) Class Decoder

Human Interface Device (HID) class is one of the most frequently used USB classes. The HID class consists primarily of devices that are used by humans to control the operation of computer systems. Examples of HID class devices include keyboards, pointing devices (such as mouse devices, joysticks and trackballs), control devices (such as steering wheels, throttles, rudder pedals, and data gloves), the devices that humans use to enter data directly into a computer (such as telephones, VCR remote controls, games and simulation devices), and other devices that may not require direct human interaction but provide data in a similar to HID class devices format (such as bar code readers, voltmeters, and thermometers).

The HID device class specification defines the configuration and communication protocols for human interface devices. USBlyzer includes fully comprehensive USB HID class decoder that helps you easily visualize various HID class specific requests. HID Descriptor, HID Report Descriptor and HID Reports are also decoded.

HID Class-Specific Protocols

All HID Class, SubClass and Protocols below are supported:

Class SubClass Protocol
03h - HID 00h - None
01h - Boot Interface
00h - None
01h - Keyboard
02h - Mouse

HID Class-Specific Descriptors

HID class devices use class-specific descriptors which are differ
from standard USB descriptors. USBlyzer decodes and displays the
following HID class-specific descriptors:

  • HID Descriptor

    A HID Descriptor
    specifies the number, type, and size of HID Report Descriptors and
    Physical Descriptors that are associated with a HID class device.

  • HID Report Descriptor

    The format of the data a
    HID class device can send or receive is not defined by the HID class
    specification. Instead, a HID device is required to provide HID Report
    Descriptor which enumerates all the data fields of a particular HID
    report the device can use. For each field in the HID report, the HID
    Report Descriptor defines how many bits the particular data item
    occupies, which usage it has, what range of values it uses, etc.

Below is an example of decoding Mouse HID Report Descriptor.

HID Class-Specific Requests

HID class-specific requests allow the host to inquire about the
capabilities and state of a HID compliant device and to set the state of
output and feature items.

All HID class-specific requests below are supported:

  • Get Report (GET_REPORT)

  • Set Report (SET_REPORT)

  • Get Idle (GET_IDLE)

  • Set Idle (SET_IDLE)

  • Get Protocol (GET_PROTOCOL)

  • Set Protocol (SET_PROTOCOL)

For complete description of USB HID class requests, refer to Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices Specification.

Below are examples of decoding Get Descriptor (HID Report Descriptor) and Set Idle requests.


HID Reports

The basic communication mechanism for HID class devices is a HID Reports
that is used to transfer HID control data. HID Report Descriptor
defines the format of each report. Input and Output Reports specify
control data and Feature Reports specify configuration data. A device
may support more than one report type and more than one report of the
same type.

USBlyzer extracts the individual items from the HID Report based on
the HID Report Descriptor and displays them in an easy to view form.
Since USBlyzer uses its own HID Parser it's possible to decode HID
Reports at any time, even after the device has been unplugged or even if
you analize previously saved capture file.

Below is an example of Joystick HID Input Report analysis.

HID Usage Pages

HID usages are organized into usage pages of related controls. The
usage page and usage ID define a unique constant that describes a
particular type of control. The following table lists the currently
supported usage pages.

Page ID Page Name
01h Generic Desktop Controls
02h Simulation Controls
03h VR Controls
04h Sport Controls
05h Game Controls
06h Generic Device Controls
07h Keyboard/Keypad
08h LEDs
09h Button
0Ah Ordinal
0Bh Telephony Devices
0Ch Consumer Devices
0Dh Digitizer
0Fh Physical Input Device (PID)
10h Unicode
14h Alphanumeric Display
40h Medical Instruments
80h Monitor Devices
81h Monitor Enumerated Values
82h VESA Virtual Controls
83h VESA Command
84h Power Device
85h Battery System

Composite USB Device with Single or Multiple HID Class Interfaces

A composite USB device exposes multiple functions to a host by using
multiple interfaces which are separately managed by different drivers.
Each interface of a composite device is, in many respects, like a
separate device that has its own configuration descriptor and, in the
case of HID class interface(s), HID report descriptor(s). The default
control endpoint is shared by all the interfaces while separate HID
class interfaces require non-shareable interrupt endpoint(s).

USBlyzer provides support for USB composite devices with single or multiple HID interfaces.

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