


  1. namespace BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks
  2. {
  3. [TaskDescription("Similar to the sequence task, the parallel task will run each child task until a child task returns failure. " +
  4. "The difference is that the parallel task will run all of its children tasks simultaneously versus running each task one at a time. " +
  5. "Like the sequence class, the parallel task will return success once all of its children tasks have return success. " +
  6. "If one tasks returns failure the parallel task will end all of the child tasks and return failure.")]
  7. [HelpURL("")]
  8. [TaskIcon("{SkinColor}ParallelIcon.png")]
  9. public class Parallel : Composite
  10. {
  11. // The index of the child that is currently running or is about to run.
  12. private int currentChildIndex;
  13. // The task status of every child task.
  14. private TaskStatus[] executionStatus;
  16. public override void OnAwake()
  17. {
  18. // Create a new task status array that will hold the execution status of all of the children tasks.
  19. executionStatus = new TaskStatus[children.Count];
  20. }
  22. public override void OnChildStarted(int childIndex)
  23. {
  24. // One of the children has started to run. Increment the child index and set the current task status of that child to running.
  25. currentChildIndex++;
  26. executionStatus[childIndex] = TaskStatus.Running;
  27. }
  29. public override bool CanRunParallelChildren()
  30. {
  31. // This task can run parallel children.
  32. return true;
  33. }
  35. public override int CurrentChildIndex()
  36. {
  37. return currentChildIndex;
  38. }
  40. public override bool CanExecute()
  41. {
  42. // We can continue executing if we have more children that haven't been started yet.
  43. return currentChildIndex < children.Count;
  44. }
  46. public override void OnChildExecuted(int childIndex, TaskStatus childStatus)
  47. {
  48. // One of the children has finished running. Set the task status.
  49. executionStatus[childIndex] = childStatus;
  50. }
  52. public override TaskStatus OverrideStatus(TaskStatus status)
  53. {
  54. // Assume all of the children have finished executing. Loop through the execution status of every child and check to see if any tasks are currently running
  55. // or failed. If a task is still running then all of the children are not done executing and the parallel task should continue to return a task status of running.
  56. // If a task failed then return failure. The Behavior Manager will stop all of the children tasks. If no child task is running or has failed then the parallel
  57. // task succeeded and it will return success.
  58. bool childrenComplete = true;
  59. for (int i = ; i < executionStatus.Length; ++i) {
  60. if (executionStatus[i] == TaskStatus.Running) {
  61. childrenComplete = false;
  62. } else if (executionStatus[i] == TaskStatus.Failure) {
  63. return TaskStatus.Failure;
  64. }
  65. }
  66. return (childrenComplete ? TaskStatus.Success : TaskStatus.Running);
  67. }
  69. public override void OnConditionalAbort(int childIndex)
  70. {
  71. // Start from the beginning on an abort
  72. currentChildIndex = ;
  73. for (int i = ; i < executionStatus.Length; ++i) {
  74. executionStatus[i] = TaskStatus.Inactive;
  75. }
  76. }
  78. public override void OnEnd()
  79. {
  80. // Reset the execution status and the child index back to their starting values.
  81. for (int i = ; i < executionStatus.Length; ++i) {
  82. executionStatus[i] = TaskStatus.Inactive;
  83. }
  84. currentChildIndex = ;
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }


  1. BTParallel = BTComposite:New();
  3. local this = BTParallel;
  4. = "BTParallel";
  6. function this:New()
  7. local o = {};
  8. setmetatable(o, self);
  9. self.__index = self;
  10. o.childTasks = {};
  11. o.executionStatus = {};
  12. return o;
  13. end
  15. function this:OnUpdate()
  16. if (not self:HasChild()) then
  17. return BTTaskStatus.Failure;
  18. end
  20. for i=,#self.childTasks do
  21. local childTask = self.childTasks[i];
  22. if (not self.executionStatus[i]) then --第一次执行
  23. self.executionStatus[i] = childTask:OnUpdate();
  24. if (self.executionStatus[i] == BTTaskStatus.Failure) then
  25. return BTTaskStatus.Failure;
  26. end
  27. elseif (self.executionStatus[i] == BTTaskStatus.Running) then --第二次以及以后执行
  28. self.executionStatus[i] = childTask:OnUpdate();
  29. if (self.executionStatus[i] == BTTaskStatus.Failure) then
  30. return BTTaskStatus.Failure;
  31. end
  32. end
  33. end
  35. local childrenComplete = true;
  36. for i=,#self.executionStatus do
  37. if (self.executionStatus[i] == BTTaskStatus.Running) then
  38. childrenComplete = false;
  39. break;
  40. end
  41. end
  42. if (childrenComplete) then
  43. return BTTaskStatus.Success;
  44. else
  45. return BTTaskStatus.Running;
  46. end
  47. end




  1. TestBehaviorTree = BTBehaviorTree:New();
  3. local this = TestBehaviorTree;
  4. = "TestBehaviorTree";
  6. function this:New()
  7. local o = {};
  8. setmetatable(o, self);
  9. self.__index = self;
  10. o:Init();
  11. return o;
  12. end
  14. function this:Init()
  15. local sequence = BTSequence:New();
  16. local action = self:GetBTActionUniversal();
  17. local log = BTLog:New("This is log!!!");
  18. = "log";
  20. self:SetStartTask(sequence);
  22. sequence:AddChild(action);
  23. sequence:AddChild(log);
  24. end
  26. function this:GetBTActionUniversal()
  27. local count = ;
  28. local a = function ()
  29. if (count <= ) then
  30. count = count + ;
  31. print("");
  32. return BTTaskStatus.Running;
  33. else
  34. return BTTaskStatus.Success;
  35. end
  36. end
  37. local universal = BTActionUniversal:New(nil, a);
  38. return universal;
  39. end


  1. TestBehaviorTree = BTBehaviorTree:New();
  3. local this = TestBehaviorTree;
  4. = "TestBehaviorTree";
  6. function this:New()
  7. local o = {};
  8. setmetatable(o, self);
  9. self.__index = self;
  10. o:Init();
  11. return o;
  12. end
  14. function this:Init()
  15. local parallel = BTParallel:New();
  16. local action = self:GetBTActionUniversal();
  17. local log = BTLog:New("This is log!!!");
  18. = "log";
  20. self:SetStartTask(parallel);
  22. parallel:AddChild(action);
  23. parallel:AddChild(log);
  24. end
  26. function this:GetBTActionUniversal()
  27. local count = ;
  28. local a = function ()
  29. if (count <= ) then
  30. count = count + ;
  31. print("");
  32. return BTTaskStatus.Running;
  33. else
  34. return BTTaskStatus.Success;
  35. end
  36. end
  37. local universal = BTActionUniversal:New(nil, a);
  38. return universal;
  39. end


  1. TestBehaviorTree = BTBehaviorTree:New();
  3. local this = TestBehaviorTree;
  4. = "TestBehaviorTree";
  6. function this:New()
  7. local o = {};
  8. setmetatable(o, self);
  9. self.__index = self;
  10. o:Init();
  11. return o;
  12. end
  14. function this:Init()
  15. local parallel = BTParallel:New();
  16. local action = self:GetBTActionUniversal();
  17. local action2 = self:GetBTActionUniversal2();
  19. self:SetStartTask(parallel);
  21. parallel:AddChild(action);
  22. parallel:AddChild(action2);
  23. end
  25. function this:GetBTActionUniversal()
  26. local count = ;
  27. local a = function ()
  28. if (count <= ) then
  29. count = count + ;
  30. print("");
  31. return BTTaskStatus.Running;
  32. else
  33. return BTTaskStatus.Success;
  34. end
  35. end
  36. local universal = BTActionUniversal:New(nil, a);
  37. return universal;
  38. end
  40. function this:GetBTActionUniversal2()
  41. local universal = BTActionUniversal:New(nil, function ()
  42. return BTTaskStatus.Failure;
  43. end);
  44. return universal;
  45. end


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