

直接使用 哈希表记录子串的信息,然后对比两个哈希表信息即可


 vector<int> findAnagrams(string s, string p) {

         vector<int> b;
if( s.size() < p.size() )
return b; vector<int> ans;
map<char,int> m;
for(auto c: p){
} map<char,int> sm;
for(int i = ; i < s.size() - p.size()+; ++i){ string sb = s.substr(i,p.size());
if( i == ){
for( auto c : sb){
if( sm[s[i-]] <= ){
} sm[s[i+p.size()-]]++;
} bool m1 = true , m2 = true ;
for(map<char,int>::iterator it = sm.begin(); it != sm.end() ; it++){
if( m.find(it->first) == m.end() || m[ it->first] != it->second ){
m1 = false;
} } if( m1 == true ){
for(map<char,int>::iterator it = m.begin() ; it != m.end() ; ++it){
if( sm.find(it->first) == sm.end() || sm[it->first] != it->second){
m2 = false;
} if( m1 == true && m2 == true)
ans.push_back(i); } return ans; }

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