PAT甲级1026. Table Tennis









对于每种情况,第一行包含整数N(<= 10000) - 玩家对的总数。然后N行跟随,每个包含2次和一个VIP标签:HH:MM:SS - 到达时间,P - 一对玩家的播放时间(分钟),标签 - 如果持有VIP卡,则为1,或如果没有,则为0。

保证在俱乐部开放时到达时间为08:00:00至21:00:00。假设没有两个客户同时到达。按照玩家的信息,有2个正整数:K(<= 100) - 表的数量,M(<K) - VIP表的数量。最后一行包含M表号。





sick! sick problem! 我一开始比较年轻,把所有的时间用string来算。最后一个就是超时。皮水。转化成秒来算就行了。感觉问题点比较多。模拟排队。这个vip好烦。花了我好多时间。

  • vip在普通table和viptable共存会选择viptable不管序号大小
  • 超过两个小时按两个小时算

It is guaranteed that the arriving time is between 08:00:00 and 21:00:00 while the club is open.


  • 超过21:00或者21:00:00都不给服务。


//最快的table不是会员table,计算 ending / number 二级排序
//如果是会员table,向后搜索,结束之前没有会员来,计算,有会员来,swap。计算。 //会员,寻找最小能用的会员table,找到break,没找到记录最快结束的table
//最快结束的table按 ending / isviptable /number 三级排序


10:00:00 30 1
12:00:00 30 1
5 1
3 2
18:00:00 180 1
20:00:00 60 1
1 1
1 1
21:00:00 80 1
1 1
1 1
00:00:00 80 1
1 1
1 3
20:59:59 1 0
21:05:00 80 1
19:00:59 119 0
1 1



// pat1026.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
// #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream>
#include<unordered_set> using namespace std; struct custom
int arriving;
int ending;
int playingtime;
int vip;
int wait;
int turn;
}; struct tab
int ending;
int vip;
}; int tablecount[105];
custom cus[10005];
tab q[105]; static bool cuscmp(custom& a, custom& b)
return a.arriving < b.arriving;
} int main()
int n, k, m, viptable;
cin >> n;
//custom cus[10005];
int hour, minute, second;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d:%d:%d %d %d", &hour, &minute, &second, &cus[i].playingtime, &cus[i].vip);
cus[i].arriving = hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second;
cus[i] .playingtime *= 60;
if (cus[i].playingtime > 7200) cus[i].playingtime = 7200;
//cus[i] = c;
} cin >> k >> m; //vector数组模拟table
//tab q[105]; //初始化table
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
q[i].ending = 28800;
q[i].vip = 0;
} //插入vip的table到set中
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
cin >> viptable;
q[viptable - 1].vip = 1;
} //vector<int> tablecount(k, 0); //记录table使用次数的计数器
int pos, last_min_table, last_min_ending;
for (pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
//sort(cus.begin() + pos, cus.end(), cuscmp);
sort(cus + pos, cus + n, cuscmp);
if (cus[pos].arriving >= 75600) break;
//最快的table不是会员table,计算 ending / number 二级排序
//如果是会员table,向后搜索,结束之前没有会员来,计算,有会员来,swap。计算。 //会员,寻找最小能用的会员table,找到break,没找到记录最快结束的table
//最快结束的table按 ending / isviptable /number 三级排序
last_min_ending = 75600;
last_min_table = -1;
bool flag = true;
if (cus[pos].vip == 0) //非会员
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (q[i].ending >= 75600) continue;
if (cus[pos].arriving >= q[i].ending)
last_min_table = i;
last_min_ending = q[i].ending = cus[pos].arriving;
else if (cus[pos].arriving < q[i].ending && q[i].ending < last_min_ending)
last_min_ending = q[i].ending;
last_min_table = i;
if (q[last_min_table].vip == 1) //会员table
int j = pos + 1;
while (j < n && cus[j].arriving <= q[last_min_table].ending)
if (cus[j].vip == 1)
swap(cus[j], cus[pos]);
else //会员
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (q[i].ending >= 75600) continue;
if (cus[pos].arriving >= q[i].ending && (q[i].vip == 1 || last_min_ending != cus[pos].arriving))
last_min_table = i;
last_min_ending = q[i].ending = cus[pos].arriving;
if (q[i].vip == 1) break;
else if (cus[pos].arriving < q[i].ending)
if (q[i].ending < last_min_ending || q[i].ending == last_min_ending && q[i].vip == 1)
last_min_ending = q[i].ending;
last_min_table = i;
if (last_min_ending >= 75600) break;
cus[pos].wait = last_min_ending - cus[pos].arriving;
cus[pos].turn = last_min_ending;
q[last_min_table].ending = cus[pos].turn + cus[pos].playingtime;
} int waittime;
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
waittime = cus[i].wait / 60 + (cus[i].wait % 60 < 30 ? 0 : 1);
printf("%02d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d\n", cus[i].arriving / 3600, (cus[i].arriving % 3600) / 60, cus[i].arriving % 60,
cus[i].turn / 3600, (cus[i].turn % 3600) / 60, cus[i].turn % 60, waittime);
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
cout << tablecount[i] << " ";
cout << tablecount[k - 1] << endl;
return 0;

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