class Solution {
int minCostClimbingStairs(vector<int>& cost) {
vector<int> totol(cost.size(), );
totol[] = cost[], totol[] = cost[];
for (int i = ; i < cost.size(); i++) {
totol[i] = min(totol[i - ] + cost[i], totol[i - ] +cost[i]);
return min(totol[cost.size() - ], totol[cost.size() - ]);


public class Solution
public int MinCostClimbingStairs(int[] cost)
var total = new List<int>();
total.Add(Math.Min(cost[], cost[] + cost[]));//第1节台阶的最小总花费 for (int i = ; i < cost.Length; i++)
//当前台阶的最小总花费=当前台阶的直接花费+ min(当前-1节总花费 , 当前-2节总花费)
total.Add(cost[i] + Math.Min(total[i - ], total[i - ]));
return Math.Min(total[cost.Length - ], total[cost.Length - ]);


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