
Problem Description

Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1 x 1 or greater located within the whole array. The sum of a rectangle is the sum of all the elements in that rectangle. In this problem the sub-rectangle with the largest sum is referred to as the maximal sub-rectangle.

As an example, the maximal sub-rectangle of the array:

0 -2 -7 0

9 2 -6 2

-4 1 -4 1

-1 8 0 -2

is in the lower left corner:

9 2

-4 1

-1 8

and has a sum of 15.


The input consists of an N x N array of integers. The input begins with a single positive integer N on a line by itself, indicating the size of the square two-dimensional array. This is followed by N 2 integers separated by whitespace (spaces and newlines). These are the N 2 integers of the array, presented in row-major order. That is, all numbers in the first row, left to right, then all numbers in the second row, left to right, etc. N may be as large as 100. The numbers in the array will be in the range [-127,127].


Output the sum of the maximal sub-rectangle.

Sample Input`


0 -2 -7 0 9 2 -6 2

-4 1 -4 1 -1

8 0 -2`

Sample Output






    #include<iostream >
using namespace std;
int main()
int jz[141][141],dp[141],sum[141],Max;
int N,i,j;
Max=-1333; ///Max的值每次都要刷新
for( i=0; i<N; i++)
for( j=0; j<N; j++)
for(int k=0; k<N; k++)///循环每行都要作为一个起始行
for(int i=k; i<N; i++)///从当前行开始循环
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)///每一列都要考虑
for(int h=1; h<N; h++)

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