- public class Data {
- //代码复制之后直接就可以运行了
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demo();
- }
- public static void demo() {
- // 项目下的template路径
- String path = new File("").getAbsolutePath() + "\\template";
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- // 模板所在的路径
- map.put("tempFoldPath", path);
- // 生成的路径
- map.put("file", path + "/采购订单.xls");
- // 模板名称
- map.put("tampPath", "采购订单.ftl");
- // 最后生成的表格的名称
- map.put("excelName", "采购订单-" + "Demo" + ".xls");
- // 封装数据
- Map<String, Object> exlParam = new HashMap<>();
- exlParam.put("findList", new Data().list());
- // 调用方法,返回浏览器访问的地址
- String downloadUrl = ExportExcelUtil.exportExcel(map, exlParam);
- }
- // 自己造假数据,正常来说都是从数据库查询出来拼装数据的
- public List<Purbill> list() {
- List<Purbill> purbillList = new ArrayList<>();
- purbillList.add(new Purbill("1", "2", "名称", "采购名称", "规格参数", "参数指标", "场地", "10吨", 10, 20.2, 220.2, "品牌"));
- return purbillList;
- }
- }
- class Purbill {
- private String bidId;
- private String billno;
- private String categoryName;
- private String purname;
- private String specparams;
- private String paramnorm;
- private String productAddress;
- private String unit;
- private Integer nums;
- private Double price;
- private Double totalprice;
- private String brand;
- public Purbill(String bidId, String billno, String categoryName, String purname, String specparams,
- String paramnorm, String productAddress, String unit, Integer nums, Double price, Double totalprice,
- String brand) {
- super();
- this.bidId = bidId;
- this.billno = billno;
- this.categoryName = categoryName;
- this.purname = purname;
- this.specparams = specparams;
- this.paramnorm = paramnorm;
- this.productAddress = productAddress;
- this.unit = unit;
- this.nums = nums;
- this.price = price;
- this.totalprice = totalprice;
- this.brand = brand;
- }
- public String getBidId() {
- return bidId;
- }
- public void setBidId(String bidId) {
- this.bidId = bidId;
- }
- public String getBillno() {
- return billno;
- }
- public void setBillno(String billno) {
- this.billno = billno;
- }
- public String getCategoryName() {
- return categoryName;
- }
- public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
- this.categoryName = categoryName;
- }
- public String getPurname() {
- return purname;
- }
- public void setPurname(String purname) {
- this.purname = purname;
- }
- public String getSpecparams() {
- return specparams;
- }
- public void setSpecparams(String specparams) {
- this.specparams = specparams;
- }
- public String getParamnorm() {
- return paramnorm;
- }
- public void setParamnorm(String paramnorm) {
- this.paramnorm = paramnorm;
- }
- public String getProductAddress() {
- return productAddress;
- }
- public void setProductAddress(String productAddress) {
- this.productAddress = productAddress;
- }
- public String getUnit() {
- return unit;
- }
- public void setUnit(String unit) {
- this.unit = unit;
- }
- public Integer getNums() {
- return nums;
- }
- public void setNums(Integer nums) {
- this.nums = nums;
- }
- public Double getPrice() {
- return price;
- }
- public void setPrice(Double price) {
- this.price = price;
- }
- public Double getTotalprice() {
- return totalprice;
- }
- public void setTotalprice(Double totalprice) {
- this.totalprice = totalprice;
- }
- public String getBrand() {
- return brand;
- }
- public void setBrand(String brand) {
- this.brand = brand;
- }
- }
- public class ExportExcelUtil {
- public static String exportExcel(Map<String, Object> map, Map<String, Object> exlParam) {
- Template dateTmp = null;
- Writer fw = null;
- InputStream in = null;
- OutputStream out = null;
- try {
- // 此处需要给你个版本信息,Configuration cfg = new Configuration();这个方法已经过时了
- Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_28);
- String tempFoldPath = (String) map.get("tempFoldPath"); // 模板所在的路径
- String file = (String) map.get("file");// 生成表格模板的路径
- String tampPath = (String) map.get("tampPath");// 模板名称
- String excelName = (String) map.get("excelName");// 最后生成表格的名称
- // **********初始化参数**********
- File tempFoldFile = new File(tempFoldPath);
- if (!tempFoldFile.exists()) {
- tempFoldFile.mkdirs();
- }
- cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(tempFoldFile);
- cfg.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8");
- cfg.setTemplateUpdateDelay(0);
- cfg.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler.RETHROW_HANDLER);
- // **********获取freemaker模板**********
- dateTmp = cfg.getTemplate(tampPath);
- // **********将数据写入freemaker模板**********
- fw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(file)), "UTF-8"));
- dateTmp.process(exlParam, fw);
- // **********从freemaker模板读出数据写到Excel表格并生成出来**********
- String fileDir = "excel";
- // 文件保存目录 项目目录下面
- String filePath = new File("").getAbsolutePath();
- // 生成保存文件路径
- String createPath = filePath + "/" + fileDir + "/";
- // 构建源文件
- File files = new File(file);
- // 文件夹不存在就创建
- createFolder(createPath);
- // 删除原来的文件
- deleteFile(createPath + excelName);
- // 构建目标文件
- File fileCopy = new File(createPath + excelName);
- // 目标文件不存在就创建
- if (!(fileCopy.exists())) {
- fileCopy.createNewFile();
- }
- // 源文件创建输入流
- in = new FileInputStream(files);
- // 目标文件创建输出流
- out = new FileOutputStream(fileCopy, true);
- // 创建字节数组
- byte[] temp = new byte[1024];
- int length = 0;
- // 源文件读取一部分内容
- while ((length = != -1) {
- // 目标文件写入一部分内容
- out.write(temp, 0, length);
- }
- // 资源服务器访问目录 这边需要配置tomcat的虚拟路径,就可以直接在url上面下载表格了
- String serverPath = "resourceServer";
- String savePath = "/" + serverPath + "/" + fileDir + "/" + excelName;
- // 服务器图片访问目录
- return savePath;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- } finally {
- try {
- fw.close();
- // 关闭文件输入输出流
- in.close();
- out.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- // 创建文件
- public static boolean createFolder(String path) {
- File file = new File(path);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- return file.mkdir();
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- public static boolean deleteFile(String filePath) {// 删除单个文件
- boolean flag = false;
- File file = new File(filePath);
- if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) {
- file.delete();// 文件删除
- flag = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
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