在计算机科学中,树是一种重要的非线性数据结构,直观地看,它是数据元素(在树中称为结点)按分支关系组织起来的结构。二叉树是每个节点最多有两个子树的有序树。通常子树被称作“左子树”(left subtree)和“右子树”(right subtree)。二叉树常被用于实现二叉查找树和二叉堆。


 #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h> typedef struct _tree_node{
char data;
struct _tree_node * left;
struct _tree_node * right;
struct _tree_node * father;
}tree_node; void createTree(tree_node * root);
void inorderTraverseTree(tree_node * pRoot); int main()
tree_node root;
memset(&root, , sizeof(tree_node));
printf("Please create the tree: \n");
printf("The inorder traverse result is: \n");
return ;
} //inorder traversal
void inorderTraverseTree(tree_node * pRoot)
tree_node * pCur = pRoot;
if(pCur != NULL)
if(pCur->left != NULL)
printf("%c ", pCur->data);
printf("%c ", pCur->data); if(pCur->right != NULL)
} //Create the binary tree
void createTree(tree_node * pRoot)
char ch = ;
tree_node * pCur = pRoot;
while((ch = getchar())!= 'e')
//printf("%c" , ch);
tree_node * pNewNode = (tree_node *)malloc(sizeof(tree_node));
pNewNode->left = NULL;
pNewNode->right = NULL;
pNewNode->father = NULL;
if(ch == 'L')
//printf("Input L\n");
pNewNode->data = getchar();
pNewNode->father = pCur;
pCur->left = pNewNode;
pCur = pNewNode;
else if(ch == 'R')
//printf("Input R\n");
pNewNode->data = getchar();
pNewNode->father = pCur;
pCur->right = pNewNode;
pCur = pNewNode;
else if(ch == 'B')
//printf("Input B\n");
if(pCur->father != NULL)
pCur = pCur->father;
printf("It's the top\n");



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