

  • s.empty() //Returns true if s is empty,otherwise returns false

  • s.size() //Returns numbers of characters of s

  • s[n] //Returns the character at position n in s,positions start at 0

  • s1 + s2 //Returns a string equals to the concatenation of s1 and s2
  • s1 = s2 //Replaces characters in s1 by a copy of s2
  • v1 == v2 //Returns true if v1 and v2 are equal,false otherwise
  • !=,<,<=,>,>= //Have their normal meanings


using std::string;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
string st("The expense of spirit\n");
cout<<"The size of "<<st<<"is "<<st.size()
<<" characters, including the newline"<<endl;
if(st.size() == 0)
cout<<"st is empty"<<endl;
*equals to:
string st1 = st;
cout<<"st1 is "<<st1;
return 0;


The size of The expense of spirit is

22 characters, including the newline

st1 is The expense of spirit


string s1 = "Hello";
string s2 = " World!\n";
string s3 = s1 + s2;


Hello World!



string s1 = "hello";
string s2 = "world";
string s3 = s1 + ","; //ok,adding a string and a literal
strign s4 = "hello" + ",";//error,no string operand
string s5 = s1 + "," + " world";//ok,each + has a string operand
string s6 = "hello" + "," + s2;//error,can't add strign literals


string:: size_type

逻辑上来说,string的size()函数的返回值应为int型,更精确的说,是unsigned型。但是在实际应用中,我们从某一个文件读到的字符数量很容易就超过了unsigned型的范围,string为size()函数里提供了一种更为安全的返回类型string:: size_type



string str(“some string”);
for(string::size_type ix = 0; ix != str.size(); ++ix)


for(string::size_type ix = 0; ix != str.size(); ++ix)
str[ix] = 'x';

作者注:从改变string的值的方式(是str[x] = ‘x’而不是str[x] = “x”)我们可以看出,我们所得到的每一个str的字符都是char型,而不是string。这是值得注意的。





// 本文所有代码均出自《C++ primer》

// 上次敲英文敲得太累了,这次直接翻译成中文了(其实真正的原因是英文版没人看,赚不到访问量: ( ),结果还是花了将近两个小时,天哪我还没复习啊。。。

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