
  原因是很多时候我们其实只是想要top n个结果,一些结果明显较差的也进行了复杂的相关性计算,而weak-and算法通过计算每个词的贡献上限来估计文档的相关性上限,从而建立一个阈值对倒排中的结果进行减枝,从而得到提速的效果。







  1. 提取出da中所有的词,以及这些词的倒排索引;
  2. 初始化curDoc=0;
  3. 初始化posting数组,使得posting[t]为词t倒排索引中第一个文档;



Function next(θ)
/* Sort the terms in non decreasing order of DID */
sort(terms, posting)
/* Find pivot term - the first one with accumulated UB ≥ θ */
pTerm ← findPivotTerm(terms, θ)
if (pTerm = null) return (NoMoreDocs)
pivot ← posting[pTerm].DID
if (pivot = lastID) return (NoMoreDocs)
if (pivot ≤ curDoc)
/* pivot has already been considered, advance one of the preceding terms */
aterm ← pickTerm(terms[0..pTerm])
posting[aterm] ← aterm.iterator.next(curDoc+1)
else /* pivot > curDoc */
if (posting[0].DID = pivot) //注,这个是sort之后的第一个term位置的doc id
/* Success, all terms preceding pTerm belong to the pivot */
curDoc ← pivot
return (curDoc, posting)
/* not enough mass yet on pivot, advance one of the preceding terms */
aterm ← pickTerm(terms[0..pTerm])
posting[aterm] ← aterm.iterator.next(pivot)
end repeat



这个函数返回aterm倒排索引中的DID,这个DID要满足DID >= n。DID就是docID

sort(terms, posting)


  • t0: [1, 3, ]
  • t1: [1, 2, , 10, 100]
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]
  • t3: [1, 4, 5, , 70, 200]
  • t4: [, 14, 78]

当前posting数组为:[2, 2, 0, 3, 0]

根据以上两条信息,可以得到:{t0 : 26, t1 : 4, t2 : 2, t3 : 23, t4 : 5}

则排序后的结果为[t2, t1, t4, t3, t0]

findPivotTerm(terms, θ)


引入以下数据:[UB0, UB1, UB2, UB3, UB4] = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4], θ = 8,UB*为词B*的最大可能的贡献值。

因为(2 + 1 + 4) = 7 < 8 而 (2 + 1 + 4 + 3) = 10 > 8,所以此函数返回t3



还是用之前的数据,则是在[t2, t1, t4](没有t3)中选择一个term返回。




  上图即为已经按照term当前指向的doc id排序的情况。

对于doc 2,其可能的最大得分为2<8   //2:max of t2

对于doc 4,其可能的最大得分为2+1=3<8 //1:max of t1

对于doc 5,其可能的最大得分为2+1+4=7<8 //4:max of t4

对于doc 23,其可能的最大得分为2+1+4+3=10>8 //3:max of t3

因此,doc 23即为我们需要寻找的pivot term

  上图其实也解释了为什么要寻找pivot term,因为doc 2、doc 4、doc 5的得分不可能达到threshold,所以可以直接忽略,t2、t1、t4对应的posting list直接skip到doc 23(大于等于doc23的位置),具体选择先跳哪个,可以根据term的idf来选择,当然也可以按照其距离pivot对于的doc id距离选择,选择一个跳的最多的。在这里,doc 23 被称为pivot,可以作为候选文档(candidate),进一步计算全局得分(evaluate);doc 2、doc 4、doc 5被跳过。




#!/usr/bin/env python
#wand, assume threshold is 4,the upper bound of every term is UB #max contribute import time
import heapq UB = {"t0":0.5,"t1":1,"t2":2,"t3":3,"t4":4} #upper bound of term's value
MAX_RESULT_NUM = 3 #max result number class WAND:
#initial index
def __init__(self, InvertIndex, last_docid):
self.result_list = [] #result list
self.invert_index = InvertIndex #InvertIndex: term -> docid1, docid2, docid3 ...
self.current_doc = 0
self.current_invert_index = {} #posting
self.query_terms = []
self.threshold = -1
self.sort_terms = []
self.LastID = 2000000000 #big num
self.last_docid = last_docid #get index list according to query term
def __InitQuery(self, query_terms):
self.current_doc = -1
self.query_terms = query_terms
self.sort_terms[:] = [] for term in query_terms:
#initial start pos from the first position of term's invert_index
self.current_invert_index[term] = [ self.invert_index[term][0], 0 ] #[ docid, index ] #sort term according its current posting doc id
def __SortTerms(self):
if len(self.sort_terms) == 0:
for term in self.query_terms:
if term in self.current_invert_index:
doc_id = self.current_invert_index[term][0]
self.sort_terms.append([ int(doc_id), term ])
self.sort_terms.sort() #select the first term in sorted term list
def __PickTerm(self, pivot_index):
return 0 #find pivot term
def __FindPivotTerm(self):
score = 0
#print "sort term ", self.sort_terms #[docid, term]
for i in range(0, len(self.sort_terms)):
score = score + UB[self.sort_terms[i][1]]
if score >= self.threshold:
return [ self.sort_terms[i][1], i] #[term, index] return [ None, len(self.sort_terms)] #move to doc id >= docid
def __IteratorInvertIndex(self, change_term, docid, pos):
doc_list = self.invert_index[change_term]
i = 0
for i in range(pos, len(doc_list)):
if doc_list[i] >= docid:
pos = i
docid = doc_list[i]
break return [ docid, pos ] def __AdvanceTerm(self, change_index, docid ):
change_term = self.sort_terms[change_index][1]
pos = self.current_invert_index[change_term][1]
(new_doc, new_pos) = self.__IteratorInvertIndex(change_term, docid, pos) self.current_invert_index[change_term] = [ new_doc , new_pos ]
self.sort_terms[change_index][0] = new_doc def __Next(self):
if self.last_docid == self.current_doc:
return None while True:
#sort terms by doc id
self.__SortTerms() #find pivot term > threshold
(pivot_term, pivot_index) = self.__FindPivotTerm()
if pivot_term == None:
#no more candidate
return None pivot_doc_id = self.current_invert_index[pivot_term][0] if pivot_doc_id == self.LastID: #!!
return None if pivot_doc_id <= self.current_doc:
change_index = self.__PickTerm(pivot_index)#always retrun 0
self.__AdvanceTerm( change_index, self.current_doc + 1 )
first_docid = self.sort_terms[0][0]
if pivot_doc_id == first_docid:
self.current_doc = pivot_doc_id
return self.current_doc
#pick all preceding term,advance to pivot
for i in range(0, pivot_index):
change_index = i
self.__AdvanceTerm( change_index, pivot_doc_id ) def __InsertHeap(self,doc_id,score):
if len(self.result_list)<3:
heapq.heappush(self.result_list, (score, doc_id))
if score>self.result_list[0][0]: #large than mini item in heap
heapq.heappush(self.result_list, (score, doc_id))
return self.result_list[0][0] #full evaluate the doucment, get its full score, to be added
def __FullEvaluate(self, docid):
return 4 def DoQuery(self, query_terms):
while True:
candidate_docid = self.__Next()
if candidate_docid == None:
print "candidate_docid:" + str(candidate_docid)
#insert candidate_docid to heap
full_doc_score = self.__FullEvaluate(candidate_docid)
mini_item_value = self.__InsertHeap(candidate_docid, full_doc_score)
#update threshold
self.threshold = mini_item_value
print "result list ", self.result_list
return self.result_list if __name__ == "__main__":
testIndex = {}
testIndex["t0"] = [ 1, 3, 26, 2000000000]
testIndex["t1"] = [ 1, 2, 4, 10, 100, 2000000000 ]
testIndex["t2"] = [ 2, 3, 6, 34, 56, 2000000000 ]
testIndex["t3"] = [ 1, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200, 2000000000 ]
testIndex["t4"] = [ 5, 14, 78, 2000000000 ] last_doc_id = 100
w = WAND(testIndex, last_doc_id)
final_result = w.DoQuery(["t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"])
print "final result "
for item in final_result:
print "doc " + str(item[1])



  • t0: [, 3, 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [, 2, 4, 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4


  cur_doc = 0


  1. 按照posting的doc id对term升序排序,这里得到[t0,t1,t3,t2,t4]
  2. 寻找pivot,0+1+3=4>=4, 也就是到了t3大于等于4,因此t3就是pivot term,pivot就是其对应的doc id=1
  3. pivot为1,cur doc id=0,因此pivot>cur_doc, 然后比较posting[0].doc_id,也就是t0对应的当前doc id=1 和pivot=1是否相等,这里相等,then,返回doc1, cur_doc_id=1


  • t0: [, 3, ]                   max:0
  • t1: [, 2, 4, 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4


  cur_doc = 0


  1. 按照posting的doc id对term升序排序,这里得到[t0,t1,t3,t2,t4]
  2. 寻找pivot,0+1+3=4>=4, 也就是到了t3大于等于4,因此t3就是pivot term,pivot就是其对应的doc id=1
  3. pivot为1,cur doc id=1,因此pivot<=cur_doc, ,then,选择一个pterm之前的term,向前移动。这里选择第一个,也就是t0,然后将其对应的倒排指针移动到大于等于doc_cur_id+1的位置,这里移动到3.


  • t0: [1, , 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [, 2, 4, 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4



第3步, 排序后[t1,t3,t2,t0,t4] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t1, pivot=1,移动t1

  • t0: [1, , 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [1, 2, 4, 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4

第4步, 排序后[t3,t2,t1,t0,t4] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t3, pivot=1,移动t3

  • t0: [1, , 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [1, , 4, 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [1, , 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4

第5步, 排序后[t1,t2,t0,t3,t4] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t3, pivot=4,移动t1

  • t0: [1, , 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [1, 2, , 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [, 3, 6, 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [1, , 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4

第6步,排序后[t2,t0,t1,t3,t4] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t3 pivot=4,移动t2

  • t0: [1, , 26]                   max:0
  • t1: [1, 2, , 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [2, 3, , 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [1, , 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4

第7步,排序后[t0,t1,t3,t2,t4] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t3 pivot=4,移动t0

  • t0: [1, 3, ]                   max:0
  • t1: [1, 2, , 10, 100]       max:1
  • t2: [2, 3, , 34, 56]         max:2
  • t3: [1, , 5, 23, 70, 200] max:3
  • t4: [, 14, 78]                 max:4

第7步,排序后[t1,t3,t4,t2,t0] cur_doc = 1,pivot term=t3 pivot=4

此时posting[0].did,也就是t1对倒排列表指针指向doc id=4==pivot=4





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